Uppdrag | 11 June 2015

Setterwalls assists Bergendahls in the sale of commercial property in Fjälkinge, north of Kristianstad

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Setterwalls has assisted the Bergendahl group in connection with the company’s sale of all shares in Förvaltnings AB Bjärnum and Förvaltnings AB Fjälkinge. The companies owns the properties Kristianstad Fjälkinge 142:2 and Kristianstad Nymö 94:6. EKO Fjälkinge, a strongly established trading center in the south part of Sweden, is carrying out its business within the sold properties.

Purchaser of the properties is Kalkbruket AB, a company within the group of Granen Fastighetsutveckling AB. The agreement was concluded and the shares transferred on 5 May 2015. Setterwalls has, within the framework of the assignment also assisted Bergendahl with concluding a long-term lease agreement between EKO in Fjälkinge and Granen.

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