News | 4 December 2007

Per Furberg in committee on traffic information for terrorist fighting & electronic forging of documents

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The traffic information committee has now given its report in view of the EU directive in force in the field. Setterwalls through Per Furberg has participated and given a special opinion concerning too far-reaching integrity infringement.

The bomb attacks in Madrid on 25 March 2004 initiated the work eventually leading to the passing by the European Parliament and the Council of Europe on 15 March 2006 of the Directive (2006/24/EG) on storage of traffic information.

The purpose of the directive is to secure that information on communication with stationary and mobile telephony, internet access, e-mail and internet telephony are stored to give access to the crime fighting authorities to the information for investigation, exposure and criminal prosecution concerning serious crime. Unlike today, when each supplier has to assess what information has to be stored for his own business, all the information stated in the directive must be stored for a certain period of time for crime fighting purposes.


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