Article | 24 November 2024
An updated Swedish national strategy for life sciences

On 7 November 2024, the Swedish government launched an updated strategy for life sciences in Sweden. The strategy was first presented in December 2019 with the ambition of establishing Sweden as a leading life sciences nation. The strategy has now been updated with the aim of contributing to excellence, long-term competitiveness and enhanced patient benefit in Sweden.
The Swedish government maintains high ambitions for the life science sector, which plays a central role in Sweden’s economy and society. The Swedish Minister for Energy, Business and Industry, Ebba Busch, notes that the sector accounts for nearly 10 per cent of Sweden’s exports and is one of Sweden’s fundamental industries. In partnership with the sector, the government is now gearing up in a number of areas that are crucial to securing Sweden’s ability to position itself as a leading life sciences nation.
The strategy emphasises clinical trials, a national digital infrastructure, medical technology and precision health. Investments in strategic technology and excellence in research are highlighted as success factors for strengthening the competitiveness of the Swedish life science sector and enhancing patient benefit. It is noted that investment in clinical trials is crucial to Swedish competitiveness and is one of the most critical elements in the investment in life sciences. The Swedish government’s Life Science Office coordinates the government’s work in this area and will play a central role in implementation of the strategy.
The strategy expresses high ambitions. It is now important that the objectives are defined in concrete terms, for example in the form of specific initiatives from the government, legislation and other regulatory changes. In January 2025, the Life Science Office and Region Skåne will organise a national digital conference for all actors in the life science sector in Sweden. Setterwalls will monitor the conference and the implementation of the updated strategy for the sector.