Article | 26 May 2020

Life Sciences Report May 2020

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We have the pleasure of presenting the latest issue of Setterwalls’ Life Sciences report. The report presents our view on selected current issues with respect to life sciences.

In this edition, we also treat you to a chronicle by Peter Wennström, regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in food and health marketing as well as founder and lead consultant at The HMT. The chronicle includes a COVID-19 checklist for your brand narrative, as well as the three tensions all brands must manage in order to be trusted by tomorrow’s consumers.

We hope you will find the report of interest. 



Who should I trust with my health, especially in times of uncertainty?
New research identifies the three global tensions that all brands must manage in order to gain the trust of tomorrow’s consumers. Continue reading.


Postponement of the Medical Devices Regulation due to COVID-19
For the past three years, operators have been preparing for the implementation of new EU regulations on medical devices. The COVID-19 pandemic has now led to a postponement of their implementation. This article explains the reasoning behind the decision and some of the implications of this postponement. Continue reading.

Registering trademarks for medical devices
Technological developments, the increasing number of medical devices available and the continued strong demand for medical services are significant factors behind the expanding medical device industry. To keep up with developments on the market, the European Union has implemented two new regulations: the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and the In Vitro Device Regulation (IVDR), which we have previously reported on. Continue reading.

Patent rights during the COVID-19 pandemic: a new dawn for compulsory licences and further limitations?
The COVID-19 pandemic has already resulted in unprecedented measures and responses for the protection of public health. Recent reporting on research into treatment and vaccine candidates, as well as huge worldwide demand for protective gear and healthcare products, has intensified initiatives and discussions regarding whether patent rights should be subject to further limitations in the interest of public health. Continue reading.

How life sciences companies can use IP in times of crisis: 8 ideas to turn challenges into opportunity
The shock of the global coronavirus pandemic has been sharp and severe for many companies. Businesses worldwide have been affected by both the virus itself and the mitigating strategies that have been adopted by companies and governments. The crisis may threaten the existence of some companies, while creating opportunities for others. Continue reading.

New EU rules on origin labelling of food improve consumer protection
On 1 April 2020, new EU rules on how and when a foodstuff must be labelled with the origin of the primary ingredient(s) took effect. The purpose of the new rules is to prevent companies from presenting food in a way implying that a product originates from a specific country/region while the product’s primary ingredient(s) has a different origin. Continue reading.

Antitrust rules allow closer business cooperation in health sector amid COVID-19 crisis, but within limits
One of the effects of the COVID-19 emergency has been the surge in demand for health sector products and other essential items. In these exceptional circumstances, the European Commission (“the Commission”) and national competition authorities have acknowledged that cooperation between companies and trade associations can play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges more efficiently and ensuring the supply and adequate distribution of essential and scarce products. Continue reading.

European Commission weighs in on potential privacy risks of coronavirus contact tracing apps
As many European nations slowly lift containment measures after the initial COVID-19 outbreak, a number of jurisdictions intend to use mobile phone technology to trace and contain potential new outbreaks. Numerous jurisdictions have already launched apps with varying functionality to enable such tracking. While this is seen by some as an opportunity, others are concerned that such apps might intrude on personal privacy. Continue reading.

Brexit happened – what will occur to your EU IP rights?
After years of delay, Brexit came into effect and the UK left the EU on 31 January 2020. Brexit will have wide-ranging implications for business, and highly regulated industries such as the life sciences industry will need to anticipate and mitigate a variety of changes. This article highlights some of the critical changes regarding IP rights and provides some guidance for future planning. Continue reading.


Practice areas:

Life Sciences

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