Uppdrag | 31 March 2022
Setterwalls has assisted Catena in connection with the acquisition of a portfolio of logistics properties

Catena Logistik AB, a subsidiary to Catena AB, acquires two logisitics properties in Umeå and Halmstad from Halmslätten Fastighets AB.
The portfolio consists of the two real properties Halmstad Vrangelsro 5:4 and Umeå Logistiken 3 which together include a leasable volume of 73,000 sq. m. Both the properties have Martin & Servera, the Swedish leading wholesale company in the restaurant business, as tenant. The estimated aggregated net operating income for the two propertiees amounts to app. SEK 60,500,000. The transaction is structured as a transfer of shares in the property-owning companies, and with an agreed property value of SEK 1,520,000,000 before deduction of deferred tax. Completion will occur on 13 April 2022.