Uppdrag | 11 June 2020
Setterwalls has assisted Fortinova in the acquisition of a tenement property portfolio with real estate in Uddevalla and on Tjörn

Setterwalls has assisted the growing real estate company Fortinova Fastigheter AB (publ) in their indirect acquisition of several tenement properties on the west coast of Sweden with a total value of just under a quarter of a billion SEK.
The Varberg-based company Fortinova has since the establishment in 2011 had a clear expansive agenda where close proximity to customer lies at the forefront. With the acquisition of the property portfolio, containing both completed and ongoing development projects, Fortinova’s expansion continues in Uddevalla and along the West Coast with the intention of providing rental housing to tenants in attractive areas. The transactions has been a part of Fortinova’s objective to promote a long-term and safe alternative in turbulent times, and further-more the investment is a part of the company’s planned listing on the Nasdaq North Premier stock exchange.