News | 28 May 2009

Recruitment from SAS strengthens the aviation group

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Setterwalls har rekryterat SAS bolagsjurist Magnus Eriksson till sin flyggrupp. Setterwalls har den senaste tiden upplevt en ökad tillströmning av flygärenden. Det rör sig främst om leasingavtal samt köp- och låneavtal knutna till klienternas flottor.

Setterwalls has recruited attorney Magnus Eriksson, from SAS, to the aviation group. Setterwalls has of lately experienced an increasing demand of aviation assignments. These assignments are predominantly comprised of leasing agreements and purchase and loan agreements pertaining to the client’s fleets. Setterwalls’ aviation group represents aviation companies as well as banks and owners/renters with Swedish and international backgrounds.

– It is a well-needed addition for us, says Mats Waering, responsible for the aviation group.

Magnus Eriksson joins Setterwalls after nine years with SAS. The group currently  consists of three  very  experienced attorneys and three associates. The group manager, Mats Waering, and  partner  Maria Chambers have both previously worked at SAS.


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