News | 17 February 2023
Setterwalls receives gold award in latest ranking report by the WTR

Setterwalls enjoys a top ranking position by the World Trademark Review (WTR) since many years, and in the newly published report we are proud to announce that our IP experts are awarded in the highest league – gold – within the category ”enforcement and litigation”.
Once again, Setterwalls IP expertise are noted for their accomplishments and we would especially like to congratulate our fellow colleagues Per Lidman, Sophia Spala, Fredrik Roos and Lovisa Dahl Nelson who are all mentioned in the recent report.
WTR comments the Gold position as follows:
” ”Setterwalls instils confidence in its patrons, and always provides a high-quality service. Its professionals are well-qualified, a pleasure to collaborate with and work on cutting-edge issues.” The full-service outfit displays an impressive IP team which handles all trademark instructions effortlessly. A master at managing global trademark portfolios and negotiations, Per Lidman has more than 20 years of IP experience and has built a loyal and illustrious following, including Cloetta, Fristads and Boozt Fashion. Regularly partnering up with Lidman to protect and enforce brand owners’ rights worldwide is Lovisa Nelson: “an invaluable, dedicated professional with a strong insight into trademark law. She adeptly handles matters across the Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian markets and provides commercially sound advice, thinking quickly on her feet.” Contentious and non-contentious ace Sophia Spala earns warm plaudits for being “a top-notch, client-centric lawyer who provides pragmatic and clear advice on a range of complex trademark matters, including licence agreements and cross-border litigations. She delivers her advice promptly and is seemingly available at all hours. Sophia is a safe pair of hands for brand owners”. Fredrik Roos makes his WTR 1000 debut this year thanks to his expert handling of trademark infringement matters. He is appreciated for his “service-mindedness and ability to communicate complex matters in a straightforward way to ensure clients can make a fully informed decision on how to proceed.” ”
Practice areas: