Article | 11 March 2020
The Swedish Data Protection Authority imposes an administrative fine of approx. 7 million euro for non-compliancy with the GDPR

The Swedish Data Protection Authority has imposed a fine of 75 million Swedish kronor (approximately 7 million euro) on Google. Google has failed to fulfil its obligations in respect of the right to request delisting (the right to be forgotten).
According to the Swedish Data Protection Authority, Google has made an insufficient and too narrow interpretation of what web addresses needed to be removed from its search result listing or simply failed to remove the search result listing without undue delay. Google has also put into practice to notify the site-owner of whose webpage link was removed and who was requesting the delisting, which allows the site-owner to re-publish the content on another web address with the possibility to be displayed again in the search results listed by Google. In practice, this results in a circumvention of the right to delisting.