Uppdrag | 28 March 2014
Setterwalls assisting in Real Estate transactions

Setterwalls has advised TyresöHandel Holding AB in connection with the company selling TyresöHandel AB, which owns the property Tyresö Forellen 22. Setterwalls has also represented Stiftelsen för främjandet av Malmö Högskolas utveckling and Malmö University in conjunction with the foundation’s acquisition of DIL Nordic Malmö högskola Bygg AB, which owns the building Orkanen in Malmö. The purchaser of TyresöHandel AB is ESCF Sweden Holding AB.
The property Tyresö Forellen 22 is a newly created 3D property that will be part of Tyresö Centrum. ESCF Sweden Holding AB owns Tyresö Centrum. TyresöHandel AB has entered into construction contracts with STRABAG Projektutveckling AB to carry out work on the property. The project includes i.a. the construction of highrise building, lowrise building, parking spaces and new retail spaces. TyresöHandel Holding AB and ESCF Sweden Holding AB have also entered into a number of easement agreements. The share purchase agreement was signed on September 4, 2012. Completion took place March 18, 2014.
Setterwalls has also represented Stiftelsen för främjandet av Malmö Högskolas utveckling and Malmö University in the acquisition of the building Orkanen in Malmö. The acquisition is made as a packaged deal and the share purchase agreement was signed on March 24, 2014. The seller is DIL Internationale Leasinggesellschaft mbH and the purchaser is a foundation, which is established by individuals and companies in the region, with the aim to promote education and research at Malmö University. The building is primarily leased to Malmö University. A number of other agreements will be signed in connection with the transfer.