Uppdrag | 15 April 2020
Setterwalls assists Catena in connection with an aquisition of a 190,000 sq. m. land plot outside Jönköping

The Property, which is app. 190,000 sq. m. is located in Torsvik south of Jönköping. The transaction will be executed through a property reallotment process in which the property will be transferred to the adjacent property presently owned by Catena. The transaction is conditional upon inter alia that a new zoning plan in relation to the property gains legal force. The seller is an individual.
Catena estimates that a new building of app. 90,000 sq. m. for logistic purposes can be constructed on the property. Completion will occur when the property reallotment process gains legal force.
Catena is a listed property company that, through collaboration sustainably develops, owns and manages efficient logistics facilities. Its strategically located properties supply the Scandinavian metropolitan areas and are adapted for both current and future goods flows.