News | 20 February 2012

Otto Rydbeck award for law 2012

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In association with Blendow the legal sector met at Operaterrassen on 16 February 2012 to hand out the Otto Rydbeck Award for Law.

The award was handed out by Supreme Court Justice Stefan Lindskog and Otto Rydbeck Jr. The award was given to Björn Björnsson on the grounds that “through several studies into the borderlines between corporate governance and law, Björn Björnsson has become renowned as a tenacious examiner, a perceptive analyst and an unimpeachable speaker of the truth.”

The award was established to honour the memory of Otto Rydbeck, partner at Swetterwalls, who died in the tsunami in Thailand 2004. Otto Rydbeck was of great importance to Setterwalls’ development and was a source of inspiration to many lawyers at Setterwalls. The award has previously been given to former Supreme Court Justice Johan Munck and advocate Gunnar Nord.


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