Article | 12 December 2023

Insurance Litigation in Sweden

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Insurance Litigation in Sweden – A study of commercial insurance disputes in Swedish courts during 2018 – 2022

Last week, Setterwalls had the pleasure of publishing its yearly report on insurance litigation in Sweden at a seminar for the Swedish insurance market. The report is the result of a study of all disputes relating to business insurance heard by the Swedish courts during 2018-2022. The study covers, among other things, the outcome of the individual disputes; the outcome of the specific disputed issues; general statistics such as how successful insurers are in recovering their legal costs; and the duration of the disputes. The study and the preparation of the report are part of Setterwalls’ efforts to be the leading Swedish firm in terms of market understanding, and we hope that the report is useful for everyone with an interest in Swedish insurance matters.

The study reveals that insurers are successful in in Swedish courts, both as defendants (coverage disputes) and as claimants (recourse disputes). Furthermore, the study shows, for example, that insurers are particularly successful in obtaining leave to appeal in the courts of appeal. Overall, the study supports the notion that insurers perform well in Swedish courts.

We are pleased and proud to now be able to present an English version of the report, which also outlines a brief overview of the procedural and contractual legal framework relating to insurance disputes.

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