Uppdrag | 3 January 2018

Setterwalls advisor to Sverigeförhandlingen

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Setterwalls was assigned by the Swedish Government, through the committee Sverigeförhandlingen, to draft proposals for changes to the Swedish railway law as regards the capacity allocation on the planned high speed railway and to investigate the possibilities to set out certain technical requirements regarding the rolling stock.

In spring 2017, Setterwalls Advokatbyrå was commissioned by the Swedish Government, through the committee Sverigeförhandlingen, to draft proposals for changes to the Swedish railway law that are necessary in order to prioritize high speed trains and fast regional trains on the planned high speed railway, i.e. prioritize the traffic types for which the railway will be built, and investigate the possibilities to set out technical requirements regarding the rolling stock that goes beyond the applicable TSI (EU’s Technical Specifications for Interoperability) in order to limit the investments cost associated with the railway.

The assignment resulted in a report that Setterwalls presented to Sverigeförhandlingen in October 2017. The report was used as the basis for Sverigeförhandlingen’s report Capacity Allocation on the High Speed Railway, SOU 2017:105 (an official report of the Swedish Government).

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