Uppdrag | 7 October 2015
Setterwalls assisted KLS Ugglarps in the acquisition of the majority shares in Dalsjöfors Kött

Setterwalls assisted the Swedish subsidiary of Danish Crown A/S, KLS Ugglarps AB, in the acquisition of a majority of the shares in Dalsjöfors Kött Holding AB and in relation to the assessment by the Swedish Competition Authority of the proposed acquisition. The acquisition was completed October 1st.
KLS Ugglarps slaughters and butchers Swedish meat including pork, beef and lamb. The company’s annual turnover is over 3 billion SEK and the company has approximately 750 employees located at three different facilities: in Ugglarp outside Trelleborg, Kalmar and in Hörby. With a history spanning over 100 years, Danish Crown is Denmark’s fourth largest business. The company is owned by over 13 500 farmers and there are approximately 25 000 employees in the entire company group – e.g. companies such as Tulip Food Company in Denmark, Tulip Ltd in Great Britain, and Plumrose in USA. Danish Crown is an international food company primarily engaged in production and sale of fresh pork and beef. Danish Crown is Europe’s largest pig slaughterhouse and the world’s second largest pig slaughterhouse. Dalsjöfors Kött AB is a food company with production in Dalsjöfors and Gothenburg with approximately 300 employees mainly working with slaughtering, butchering, processing and packaging of fresh meat from Swedish animals. Danish Crown’s position on the Swedish market was further increased due to the acquisition. After a thorough study and analysis of multiple markets where competition potentially could be effected, the Swedish Competition Authority, decided on clearing of the acquisition on September 10.
Practice areas:
Corporate law, Compliance & Investigations, Mergers & Acquisitions