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Chinese desk

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Our China desk team is composed of experts specialized in different legal areas and with experience in various industrial branches. The team members have obtained extensive knowledge and experience in doing business with China by working successfully with both international and Chinese clients. We can also help you to understand the Chinese business culture and legal system by having a dual-qualified lawyer speaking fluent Swedish, English and Chinese on board.


Our Chinese-speaking lawyer in the team has always been appreciated for facilitating the contacts and communication between Chinese companies and Swedish companies. Setterwalls China desk provides advice and guidance to companies doing Swedish-Chinese business. With our experience in legal systems, business and culture in both countries, Setterwalls China desk has the best possible prerequisites to help our clients make successful business between the two countries. And we can do this fluently in Chinese, English and Swedish.


Our extensive contacts with different Chinese leading law firms and other service companies located all over China make it possible for us to provide tailored services to our clients according to their different needs.


All of these advantages make Setterwalls a valuable partner when you establish or do business in China or with Chinese companies.


瑞典Setterwalls律师事务所建立于1878年,是瑞典第一个律师事务所。历经一百三十多年的发展,本所已成为一家提供全方位法律服务并在瑞典商业法领域占据领先地位的律师事务所。本所在广泛的国际业务领域中,为瑞典、北欧乃至全球许多知名的大中型企业及机构提供法律服务,我们的涉外业务为整个律所受案量的50%。我们的总部设在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩,并在瑞典第二大城市哥德堡和第三大城市马尔默设有办公室。rnrn rnrn本所有约250名员工,其中律师约190名,致力于以其精湛的专业法律知识和丰富的行业经验为客户提供法律服务。我们的律师共掌握约二十种语言,其中最常用工作语言为瑞典语、英语、中文、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语、俄语、芬兰语、挪威语和丹麦语等。

Setterwalls律师事务所分业务组和行业组。这种体系使本所律师既掌握必备专业技能又具备行业知识。针对各项目组成的团队,为特定项目所需能力、经验与行业知识提供了完美组合。rnrn rnrn我们始终坚持根据客户的具体情况,挑选出最适合客户交易项目的法律专家,并组成专门为该客户提供法律服务的项目特别小组。rnrn rnrn2012年,Setterwalls成立了其中国业务组,该业务组专门面向中国企业及与中国企业有业务往来的瑞典企业提供专业的法律服务。我们的中国业务组由15名各个领域和行业且熟悉中国业务和中国文化的律师组成。中国业务组通常协助参与本所受理的与中国有关的国际投资与并购、国际合作项目和国际商事争议解决(国际仲裁)。

我们中国业务组的律师不仅对中国市场、 中国业务及中国文化有深入的了解,同时我们也对中国的法律制度和法律体系有深刻的理解,这使我们与客户或者客户的中国律师能够就一些两国差异性问题进行高效流畅的讨论和沟通。我们的中国业务组团队中包含了在中国和瑞典有双重法律资格的律师,因此我们能够用中文为您提供法律服务。rnrn rnrn本所荣获瑞典2012年度“最佳律师事务所”—— 百万客户类,该奖项是在对年购买法律服务净值百万以上的大公司客户对瑞典律师事务所的整体服务作出评价的基础上授予的。



Marcus Nivinger


, Johan Hallén


Per Lidman