News | 21 May 2008
Augusta Speiser has been granted a scholarship

Augusta Speiser, associate working in the Bank & Finance group in Gothenburg has been granted a scholarship for her paper “Insurance telemarketing”. The scholarship is given at the annual meeting of the Försäkringsjuridiska Föreningen in Gothenburg on May 22.
The paper deals with the issues that arise for insurance companies that choose to sell their insurances through the sales method telemarketing. The paper describes the legal obstacles, possibilities and risks involved in telemarketing and which on their part are a basic condition for the commercial considerations that the insurance companies are faced with when choosing sales channel and sales method. The report also contains suggestions for how the insurance companies can handle these risks and problems.
Försäkringsjuridiska Föreningen in Gothenburg is a non-profit organisation promoted by the Department of Law at the University of Gothenburg and the insurance sector. Among the members of FJF, who are at present approximately 200, are law students as well as practising professionals working in insurance law. The main purposes of FJF are to support in-service training for the members and also an exchange of experience between the university and the business world. Försäkringsjuridiska Föreningen in Gothenburg rewards exam papers of high quality written within the purpose of the organisation.
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