News | 13 December 2024

Three new partners at Setterwalls – meeting tomorrow’s legal challenges in new roles

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Setterwalls strengthens its partnership by welcoming three new partners: Andréa Jällbrink, Tobias Björklund and Willy Fjellstad, all experts in fields where the firm is highly ranked. With broad experience and deep expertise across diverse practice areas, this trio will ensure Setterwalls continues to deliver future-proofed business law for present and upcoming challenges.

Setterwalls is one of Sweden’s leading law firms, with over 300 employees and offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö. Setterwalls provides comprehensive legal services across a wide range of commercial areas. By promoting internal talent and expanding its partnership in three key sectors, Setterwalls is solidifying its market position.

– We are very happy to welcome Andréa Jällbrink, Tobias Björklund and Willy Fjellstad as our new partners. Their extensive expertise and experience will enhance our ability to continue delivering first-class legal solutions and ensure that we can meet both current and future legal challenges. Our employee’s invaluable expertise and commitment are critical to our success, says Henrik Kjellander, Managing Partner at Setterwalls.

Andréa Jällbrink brings nearly a decade of experience from both Swedish and international firms. She has established herself as a leading expert in maritime and transportation law. She is currently Head of Shipping at the Gothenburg office and is now continuing her journey as a partner. Setterwalls is top ranked in shipping law, according to the globally renowned ranking institution Legal500.

Maritime and transportation law is an evolving field with demand for transport-related legal expertise rising significantly, which makes it particularly important to strengthen the practice group with Andréa’s experience and expertise.

– It’s very exciting to step into the role of partner and help shape the future of our maritime and transportation law offerings. I look forward to further developing our expertise and enhancing our team to meet the growing needs in this area, says Andréa Jällbrink.

Tobias Björklund specializes in banking and finance and has over 15 years of experience in financial regulation and services. During his time at Setterwalls, Tobias Björklund has become a key person in the field of financial regulation and fintech. Tobias was recently awarded with top-tier ranking according to Chambers and Partners.

Setterwalls leading banking and finance group work continuously with key players in the financial market. With increased demand for legal advice in financial regulation and fintech, and a never ending stream of new regulations in the financial area, it is of great importance to strengthen the practice group with a new partner. Tobias, together with the team, will ensure that Setterwalls remains at the forefront of this fast-evolving area.

– I am excited to take on a greater role in addressing the complex issues our clients face. It is a dynamic time for the areas of financial regulation and fintech, and I’m looking forward to being a part of and continuing to drive the banking and finance group forward in these areas, says Tobias Björklund.

Willy Fjellstad, specializing in corporate acquisitions, private equity, and corporate law, advises both Swedish and international clients, with a particular focus on private equity actors. By strengthening the team with Willy as a partner, Setterwalls ensures continued excellence in private equity to meet growing market demands.

– It feels great to have the opportunity to contribute to the firm’s growth and assist our clients in navigating the challenges of today’s market. Becoming a partner provides me with the opportunity to collaborate further with my colleagues to support our ongoing success in M&A and private equity, says Willy Fjellstad.

With the addition of these new partners, Setterwalls Advokatbyrå now has 53 partners in total.

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