article | 16 Sep 2024

ICLG – International Arbitration 2024: Setterwalls’ experts explain how international arbitrations are conducted in Sweden

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Setterwalls’ Albin Larsson, Kristoffer Hallin Veres and Fredrik Ahlsten have contributed with the Swedish chapter in this year’s edition of ICLG – International Arbitration, which has now been published.

The 21st edition of ICLG – International Arbitration covers common issues in international arbitrations – including arbitration agreements, governing legislation, choice of law rules, selection of arbitral tribunals, preliminary relief and interim measures. It contains contributions from legal experts in more than 30 jurisdictions worldwide. Setterwalls has been tasked with providing the chapter regarding international arbitrations in Sweden.

Read the online version here.

The guide is also available in Pdf:

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