Article | 6 April 2022
The government presents proposals for a new wind power package

Today the Swedish government presented a new package of measures regarding wind power to accelerate the expansion of cheap and green electricity in Sweden. The package regards inter alia the veto rights of the municipalities, an incentive model to increase the municipalities willingness to establish wind farms and an investigation into how competing offshore wind farms should be handled.
Today the Swedish government held a press conference on a new package of measures regarding wind power. The package contains of four parts:
- A proposed bill regarding inter alia to advance the municipalities’ decision on the establishment of wind farms and to make the veto rights of the municipalities more predictable.
- Committee directive for an inquiry to increase the incentives for municipalities and local communities to expand wind power. The results of inquiry shall be presented no later than 31 March 2023.
- Committee directive for an inquiry to improve the effectiveness of the government as a review authority of inter alia offshore wind power permits. The inquiry results shall be presented no later than 30 June 2023.
- Government assignment to the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (Sw. Havs- och vattenmyndigheten) to investigate competing offshore wind farm projects. The authority shall look into a system for how different actors with competing applications are granted the exclusive right to establish offshore wind power in specific areas. The authority must report the results of the assignment no later than 30 November 2022.
The proposals are potentially significant steps towards simplifying, making more effective and creating clarity regarding the processes and conditions for establishing new wind power, for both on and offshore projects. Setterwalls is following the development of the new wind power package with interest. You are welcome to contact us for advice on issues related to wind power and/or other issues related to the energy market.