Uppdrag | 30 October 2018

Setterwalls assisted Drug Free Sport (US) in the merger with International Doping Tests & Management (IDTM–Sweden), the world’s leading providers of anti-doping testing

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Setterwalls advisor to Drug Free Sport (US) in the merger with International Doping Tests & Management (IDTM – Sweden), the world’s leading providers of anti-doping testing.

Together, IDTM and Drug Free Sport have more than 500 doping control officers in more than 50 countries. The two companies will continue to operate independently while capitalizing on operational synergies to maximize client service and efficiency. Based in Kansas City, Drug Free Sport administers and develops technology-focused anti-doping testing and education programming for professional and amateur sports organizations. Based in Stockholm, Sweden, IDTM is a leader in anti-doping services and a quality assurer for both Olympic and non-Olympic sports and provides anti-doping services for national anti-doping organizations, international federations, and independent sporting organizations and events.

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