Uppdrag | 1 September 2021
Setterwalls assists Knowit with the acquisition of Capacent

Setterwalls assists the IT consulting company Knowit with the acquisition of the subsidiaries of Capacent that conduct operations within management consulting. Capacent complements Knowit’s offer with services mainly with-in finance, pricing strategy and operating capital optimization, and will after the acquisition become part of Knowit’s business area Insight.
Capacent is a market leader in operating capital optimization on the Swedish and Finnish market and is also well-positioned within pricing and consultancy services aimed at the financial departments of larger and mid-sized companies. Through the merger, the business area Knowit Insight’s operations within management consulting will grow by approx-imately 50 employees to, following the acquisition, gain a stronger position in both Sweden and Finland with around 400 consultants.
The purchase price amounts to SEK 155 million (on cash and debt-free basis) with a possible additional purchase price of a maximum of SEK 30 million. The outcome of the addi-tional purchase price will depend on the EBIT levels in the acquired entities for the financial year 2021. The acquisition is expected to be completed at the end of September/beginning of October.
Mattias Detterfelt, Henrik Kjellander, Frida Lindhvall, Axel Helle, Sebastian Sederholm, Hanna Salajin
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