Uppdrag | 26 October 2021
Setterwalls has assisted Nordisk Bergteknik with its new financing solution

Setterwalls has assisted Nordisk Bergteknik with its new financing solution. The company’s new financing solution means that the company’s corporate bond has been replaced with bank financing containing a sustainability component.
Nordisk Bergteknik AB (publ) has redeemed all outstanding corporate bonds of SEK 400 million. Further, Nordisk Bergteknik has entered into a facility agreements with Nordea and Swedbank regarding bank financing and has replaced the corporate bond with a bank loan of SEK 400 million. In addition to the bank loan, the company has received a new credit facility of SEK 650 million. The facility agreement contains a sustainability component, which means that Nordisk Bergteknik may agree with the banks on key performance indicators for sustainability which five days after the preparation of the annual report and a sustainability certificate for 2022 may result in a margin discount or premium.
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