Uppdrag | 14 January 2021
Setterwalls has assisted the seller in the divestment of Ekdalens Biotransporter to Scandinavian Biogas

Setterwalls has assisted Ekdalen Holding AB in connection with its divestment of Ekdalens Biotransporter to Scandinavian Biogas Fuels International AB (publ).
Ekdalens Biotransporter AB is a market leader in the transport of organic material with a focus on substrate and bio-substrate to and from biogas facilities in southern Sweden. Scandinavian Biogas Fuels International (publ) is a leading producer of biogas in the Nordics and sells renewable energy based on compressed biogas and liquid biogas. The purchase price consisted of a cash payment, which was partly set off against new shares in Scandinavian Biogas, and a potential supplementary consideration.
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