Uppdrag | 4 December 2020

Setterwalls advisor to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida, in relocation project

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Setterwalls has assisted the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida, in the agency’s relocation of its headquarters from the current location in Downtown Stockholm to new offices in Rissne (suburb of Stockholm).

The Swedish Government decided on 11 June 2020 that Sida’s headquarters should be relocated from the municipality of Stockholm to a different municipality in Stockholm county, in order to promote socio-economic development and, as an additional consequence, benefit from the lower rent levels outside of the municipality of Stockholm. This decision was an adjustment to a previous decision in January 2018 that Sida’s headquarters should be relocated from downtown Stockholm to a specified municipality (Botkyrka).

Setterwalls has assisted Sida throughout the relocation project and has provided legal advice in all questions that has arised in connection to the project, including in particular market research, evaluation and risk assessments regarding the possible locations based on the Swedish Government’s and Sida’s requirements. Setterwalls has also represented Sida in the lease agreement negotiations with the new landlord and worked on drawing up the lease. The rental agreement was signed on 30 November 2020 and pertains to a room of 11,500 sq.m. For more information, please visit Sida’s webpage.

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