Event | Stockholm | 12 November 2018

Seminar on Employee Influence in the Nordics

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Setterwalls Advokatbyrå invites companies to a series of seminars focusing on employee influence in the Nordic Region. The seminars will be held in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm during November 2018. The seminars are aimed at Human Resource Professionals and people with HR responsibility in the Nordic Region.

Despite many similarities, one of the areas where the labour market differs in the Nordic countries is on the ways employees influence on business decisions. For the same reason some global trends may impact countries differently, such as the decline of union memberships, globalization of unions, etc. For companies to succeed, it is important to understand the different uses of works councils, the role of unions, etc. in each of the countries they do business.

A panel of experts from the different Nordic countries will guide participants through the key legal considerations surrounding employee influence in the Nordic region while identifying effective human resource management strategies to help achieve corporate goals.

During the seminar, you will get valuable information on the rules in each of the Nordic countries related to the different forms of employee, including the different employee representation bodies, like works council, employee-elected board members, safety organizations, etc. You will also learn the important differences related to information and consultation procedures as part of business decisions, terminations, etc.


  • Ole Kristian Olsby (Homble Olsby, Norge)
  • Åsa Erlandsson (Setterwalls, Sverige)
  • Carola Möller (Krogerus, Finland)
  • Anders Etgen Reitz (IUNO, Danmark), som modererar seminariet

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (breakfast will be served from 8:30 a.m.)

This seminar is free of charge.

You can also participate at the seminar in Oslo (13 November), Copenhagen (20 November) och Helsinki (21 November).

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