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Financial services

Our specialist team has extensive knowledge and experience both in an advisory capacity and as corporate lawyers and also of work carried out by boards of directors in the financial market. We help you draft and negotiate agreements for all kinds of loans and securities and we issue legal opinions. We can also explain the regulatory frameworks that apply when taking out various kinds of loans or carrying on business as a bank, a securities firm, a finance company or another kind of operator on the financial market. You can also obtain help with applications for permits from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and with all regulatory matters in the financial sphere. These matters may relate to the development and marketing of FinTech services or the acquisition or sale of FinTech companies or services.

Within this industry, we work with Swedish and foreign commercial and investment banks as well as with insurance companies, securities companies, managers of investment funds and fund management companies. We also work with FinTech companies and investors in those companies as well as with companies in a wide range of industries as far as their borrowing is concerned.


Tobias Björklund


Jesper Kuschel

  • Financial services
    Setterwalls has extensive experience in asset finance, derivatives agreements and regulatory compliance matters.
    Legal 500
  • Financial services
    The lawyers have a strong understanding of time pressures, the product and how to interact with the Swedish regulators.
    Chambers Europe
  • Financial services
    Setterwalls has extensive experience in asset finance, derivatives agreements and regulatory compliance matters.
    Legal 500
  • Financial services
    The lawyers have a strong understanding of time pressures, the product and how to interact with the Swedish regulators.
    Chambers Europe
  • Financial services
    Setterwalls has extensive experience in asset finance, derivatives agreements and regulatory compliance matters.
    Legal 500
  • Financial services
    The lawyers have a strong understanding of time pressures, the product and how to interact with the Swedish regulators.
    Chambers Europe