Event | 7 april 2025

Selling Food in the U.S.: What You Need to Know

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Thinking about expanding food sales into the U.S. market? On Monday 7 April, Setterwalls and Faegre Drinker invites you to join us for a lunch event in our Malmö office. The event will cover the latest updates from the U.S. food industry and requirements associated with subsidiaries and acquisitions on the U.S. market. Looking forward to seeing you then!

Whether acquiring a U.S.-based load company or setting up a U.S. subsidiary, it is imperative to understand the intricacies of establishing a U.S. entity, the U.S. food regulatory requirements for manufacturing and labelling, and the importance of mitigating contractual and litigation risks.

Please join our U.S.-based cross-border M&A, food regulatory and litigation practitioners who will discuss:

  • Introductory discussion on the customs and trade landscape, including the latest updates related to the food industry.
  • Overview of U.S. Food Regulatory Requirements governing how food is manufactured, labeled and marketed in the U.S.
  • Understanding the Litigation Risks of marketing and selling food in the U.S.
  • U.S. Formation and Corporate Issues, including structural options for a subsidiary and contractual, insurance and tax considerations.

Practical information:

  • Date and time: Monday 7 April 2025 at 12:00 – 14:00 hs
  • Location: Setterwalls office at Stortorget 23 in Malmö (not online)
  • Lunch and coffee will be served
  • Please register below

Do you work for a food company looking to expand into, or is already present at, the U.S. food market? We offer you an opportunity to meet with expert representatives to better understand the regulatory, litigation and corporate risks and opportunities in doing business within the U.S. food space. Faegre Drinker and Setterwalls will both be present during the event and we all look forward to seeing you for this interactive presentation. Welcome!

There is a limited amount of space and registrations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. 

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