Event | 2 december 2020

Nordic webinar on the use of sustainability claims in marketing

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Today, there is an increasing consumer demand for products and services that are climate-friendly, sustainable and have a reduced carbon footprint. As a result of this, we see more and more companies using positive environmental impact claims in their marketing. However, if not used correctly, these may be regarded as misleading advertising. Even though marketing laws are harmonised to a large extent across the Nordics, we do see national differences in interpretation and enforcement, something which needs to be considered when creating marketing campaigns for the Nordic market. 

This live webinar will give a Nordic perspective on the issue; addressing the legal consequences of using misleading environmental claims in marketing in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway and describe what actions one may take if a competitor uses such claims. The speakers will also give an update on what national initiatives that have been taken to address the issue, as well as provide examples from case-law from their respective jurisdictions.

The webinar is organised by Setterwalls’ law firm and moderating the webinar as well as providing the Swedish perspective is Setterwalls’ associate Sara Söderling, who regularly advises Swedish and international clients on all legal matters relating to marketing and communication. For this webinar, Setterwalls has also invited the following distinguished speakers from Denmark, Finland and Norway:

Claus Barrett Christiansen, Partner at Bech-Bruun (Denmark). Claus’s legal advisory covers all aspects of IP rights, marketing law and IP strategy.

Hanna Pohjola, Senior Associate at Borenius (Finland). Hanna is an attorney and legal advisor on IP- and Marketing Law.

Marie Vaale-Hallberg, Partner at Kvale (Norway). Marie is an IP-lawyer with a broad IP judicial practice involving marketing law and has an extensive knowledge of the food industry in particular.

It will be possible to ask questions and discuss live through the webinar’s chat function.

When? December 2nd
Time? 11:00 – 12:00 (CET)
The webinar is for free

Sign up at the link below by November 30 at 17:00. A link to the webinar will be sent out via email the day before the webinar.


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