Event | Online | 17 juni 2024

Navigating Emerging Regulatory Obstacles in Wind Energy Projects

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Gain insights into recent developments and legislative challenges in the offshore wind power sector in the upcoming webinar in the Baltic Offshore Series.

On the webinar, experts from different offshore developing nations will focus on the recent developments within their respective jurisdictions and their potential impact on offshore wind development.

The topics for the webinar will include:

  • Overview and Risks Regarding Recent Subsidies in the German Offshore Wind Industry
    Lars Hettstedt, Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein, Germany
  • Snapshot of Offshore Wind Legislation in Sweden – and the Evolving Role of the State
    Tove Skärblom, Setterwalls, Sweden
  • Navigating State Incentives and State Aid Regulation: Lessons from Denmark’s Open-Door Procedure
    Camilla Søgaard Hudson and Malthe Hersom Kløft, Bech-Bruun, Denmark

Participation in the webinar is free of charge.


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