Event | 5 september 2023

Webbinarium Linkedin: GDPR in clinical trials – sponsor perspective

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How do you ensure that the subject data is protected in your clinical trial? What requirements apply to the sponsor in the clinical trial? Data transfer between EU and other regions e.g. what if the ECRF server is located in the US?

This free-of-charge webinar will shed light on this complex area and give you the overall map needed to navigate this landscape.

PharmaRelations and Setterwalls’ life sciences team will combine the knowledge of GDPR and data protection legislation with operational knowledge of conducting clinical trials into a unique webinar. Setterwalls is one of Sweden’s largest full-service law firms. You will be guided through common scenarios involved in a clinical trial, with a focus on data protection when subject data are transferred between different clinical trial stakeholders e.g., sites, Sponsor, CRO, eCRF, central laboratory, and central reading.

Jonatan Blomqvist works continuously with the review of agreements such as agreements for clinical studies both from a general legal and GDPR perspective.

Karolina Jivebäck Pap works with various legal questions within those fields of law. In addition, she is a part of Setterwall’s GDPR team, and those various practice areas are often combined.

Emma Perlhamre has 20 years of experience in Clinical Development. She has worked in different roles within Project Management, Clinical Operations, and Business Development. She has experience in managing global as well as local teams within the Nordics.

Setterwalls is represented by Jonatan Blomqvist and Karolina Jivebäck Pap. For contact details, please see below.


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