Artikel | 12 Nov 2019

The Swedish Competition Authority has launched a Sector Inquire into Digital Platforms.

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Interested parties are invited to contribute with input to the study. The consultation will take place between 7 and 30 November 2019.

The Swedish Competition Authority (SCA) has initially chosen to focus the study on:

• Digital advertising
• Mobile app stores
• Food delivery
• Audiobooks
• Digital payment services
• Digital market places
The scope may change depending on input received during the consultation.

The purpose is for the study to research the extent of competition and identify any need for measures to promote competition. The consultation period is an opportunity for interested parties to submit input to the SCA on the state of competition in regards to digital platforms in Sweden and what the market study should pay attention to.

A sector inquiry does not have as its purpose and will not result in the conclusion that competition rules have been breached. However, any indications of a breach may lead to the initiation of a supervisory matter on the part of the SCA.




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