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Setterwalls tillhör Sveriges ledande advokatbyråer inom tvistelösning. Vi företräder klienter oberoende av nationalitet i samtliga angelägenheter som avser kommersiell tvistelösning.

Vi har omfattande erfarenhet av kommersiella tvister inom samtliga branscher och verksamhetsområden såsom:

  • företagsöverlåtelser
  • industri
  • fastighet och entreprenad
  • försäkring
  • bank och finans
  • energi
  • IT
  • telekom och teknologi
  • infrastruktur m.m.

Vi har stor kännedom om såväl domstolstvister som skiljeförfaranden enligt regler och institut såsom SCC, ICC, LCIA, ICSID m fl. Våra jurister utses också regelbundet som skiljemän och vi håller ofta i utbildningar för klienter och studenter vid universitet.

Specialistkunskap och bred expertis inom tvistelösning

Vår tvistelösningsavdelning tillhör de största i landet och finns representerad vid samtliga våra kontor. I tvister som kräver särskild specialistkunskap eller expertis i utländsk rätt arbetar vi i nära samarbete med Setterwalls övriga verksamhetsgrupper eller extern expertis. Setterwalls har väl etablerade relationer med ledande utländska advokatbyråer och vi kan därigenom skapa och leda integrerade team anpassade för den särskilda situationen.

  • Tvistelösning
    The firm understands the requirements of international clients and has deep insights into Swedish law and practice.
    Chambers Global
  • Tvistelösning
    Setterwalls are very quick to understand and analyse all aspects of a contentious matter. The team are always thinking strategically and looking to maximise output
    Chambers Global
  • Tvistelösning
    This exceptional legal team truly stands out with their unique blend of strengths and capabilities
    Legal 500
  • Tvistelösning
    Setterwalls are perfectly aware of issues that are important for our business and are not just looking for legal victories that do not make commercial sense
    Chambers & Partners Europe
  • Tvistelösning
    Their commitment to innovation sets them apart from other firms
    Legal 500
  • Tvistelösning
    The team has extensive knowledge about the market and arbitration
    Chambers Global
  • Tvistelösning
    Very good at listening, very experienced and knowledgeable in what they do.
    Chambers and Partners
  • Tvistelösning
    The firm always provides quick and specific feedback, taking the time to listen and understand us as a client and the challenges we face.
    Chambers Global
  • Tvistelösning
    A team devoted to disputes, which is adept at handling complex cases.
    Chambers Europe
  • Tvistelösning
    A very strong outfit that is capable of handling both large international arbitration and smaller domestic cases efficiently.
    Chambers Europe
  • Tvistelösning
    Always available and fast, and its answers make perfect sense.
    Chambers & Partners
  • Tvistelösning
    Clear, crisp, short and no nonsense advice.
    Legal 500
  • Tvistelösning
    Gives solid, no-nonsense advice.
    Legal 500
  • Tvistelösning
    It is a very international practice – the team is well acquainted with the ways and means of international arbitration.
    Chambers & Partners
  • Tvistelösning
    Reputation for being a strong international outfit.
    Chambers & Partners
  • Tvistelösning
    Setterwalls’ ability to quickly understand and initiate the process in combination with a very clear strategy is for me invaluable when it comes to dispute resolution.
    Legal 500
  • Tvistelösning
    Setterwalls’ reputable, 30-strong practice rises in the ranking on the strength of consistently positive feedback and a high-quality caseload.
    Legal 500
  • Tvistelösning
    Skilled lawyers with a sense for the commercial aspects.
    Chambers Europe
  • Tvistelösning
    The lawyers cut through the industry jargon and set out a clear strategy based on underlying commercial and contractual issues.
    Chambers Europe
  • Tvistelösning
    The team has a depth of knowledge that allows them to be very efficient and well prepared for court cases.
    Chambers Europe
  • Tvistelösning
    Very easy-going and friendly.
    Chambers & Partners
  • Tvistelösning
    We were very impressed with the quality of Setterwalls’ advice and service.
    Chambers & Partners