Johannes Ericson
Delägare, AdvokatProfil
Jag är specialiserad på skiljeförfaranden och kommersiella domstolsprocesser.
Jag har agerat ombud i ett mycket stort antal tvister inom en lång rad olika branscher såsom M&A, bank och finans, försäkring, energi och revision samt inom ett flertal olika områden såsom professionsansvar, VD- och styrelseansvar, revisionsansvar, leveransavtal, aktie- och inkråmsöverlåtelser och produktansvar. Jag har varit ombud i ett flertal tvistemål som prövats i Högsta domstolen och jag är rankad som en av de ledande juristerna inom tvistlösning av Chambers and Partners och Legal 500.
Hamilton, Managing Partner
Hamilton, delägare
Nilsson & Co, delägare
Linklaters, associate
Solna tingsrätt, tingsnotarie
Uppsala universitet, juristexamen
08 Sep 2023
Högsta domstolen har nyligen meddelat dom i ett intressant skadestånds- och försäkringsrättsligt mål01 Oct 2019
Setterwalls expanderar inom tvistelösningMedlemsskap
Föreningen tvistlösning i domstol (TiD)
International Bar Association (IBA)
Forskningsavdelningen för skadeståndsrätt vid Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law
Swedish Arbitration Association (SAA)
Chambers Europe (2024)
Chambers Global (2024)
Legal 500 (2024)
All quotes below by Chambers and Partners or Legal 500.
”Johannes Ericson is an outstanding lawyer and a pleasure to work with. He thinks deeply about his cases, is extremely bright, is intellectually generous and very responsive. He is a lawyer to have on your side in a difficult case.”
Legal 500
”Johannes Ericson has an excellent record in commercial disputes.”
Legal 500
”Johannes Ericson is a hardworking, knowledgeable, skilled and clear-headed dispute resolution lawyer with a lot of integrity.”
Legal 500
”Johannes Ericson's client dedication, deep knowledge, adaptability, and sharp legal mind truly sets him apart.”
Legal 500
”Johannes, as a dedicated partner, plays a crucial role in setting their team apart. His unwavering commitment to clients is evident through his deep knowledge of cases and meticulous team oversight.”
Legal 500
”Johannes Ericson is exceptionally responsive, does excellent work and is very easy to work with. ”
Legal 500
”He is a very solid litigator and a client-oriented practitioner.”
Chambers Global
”Johannes Ericson is knowledgeable, responsive and a pleasure to work with.”
Legal 500
”Johannes Ericson is hardworking, experienced and skilled.”
Legal 500
”Johannes is great to work with, and always responsive and very dedicated.”
Chambers Europe
”Johannes Ericson is a very skilled and energetic lawyer who is very easy to work with.”
Chambers Global
”Johannes is sensible and responsive.”
Chambers Global
”Johannes Ericson – very strong name in insurance and liability disputes.”
Legal 500
”He is a very skilled lawyer who is sought after in professional negligence cases.”
Chambers Global
”Johannes is an outstanding insurance lawyer with a profound understanding of the subject and the ability to distil and explain complex issues with great clarity.”
Chambers Europe
”Great knowledge of the laws of Sweden and particularly the insurance market.”
Chambers Europe
”Johannes Ericson is a very good litigator, especially in tort law.”
Legal 500
”Johannes Ericson is valued for his ’great knowledge of Swedish law and particularly the insurance market’.”
Chambers Europe
”He is a ’go-to lawyer’ for clients and well known for his experience on the insurer side of disputes.”
Chambers Europe
”Johannes always provides the best technical knowledge, commercial awareness and client service you could ask for.”
Chambers Global
”Always good at seeing what benefits the client.”
Chambers Europe
”He certainly knows the trade.”
Chambers Europe
”Brilliant lawyer.”
Chambers Europe
”Responsive, smart and results-oriented.”
Chambers Europe
”Excellent expertise.”
Chambers Europe
”Highly recommended.”
Chambers Europe
”Very good reputation.”
Chambers Europe
”Provides valuable advice on complex matters.”
Chambers Europe
”Very available, responsive and very easy to talk to.”
Chambers Europe
”Popular choice for insurance companies.”
Chambers Europe
”He is very much focused on solving the issues.”
Chambers Europe
”Excellent expertise.”
Chambers Europe