Sören Brekell
Partner, Member of the Swedish Bar AssociationProfil
I have worked for many years on Setterwalls’ tax team, helping Swedish and foreign companies with tax law issues.
My responsibility at the firm is to lead Setterwalls’ tax team. I have comprehensive experience of carrying out restructuring of both medium-sized and large companies, including those with international business. I have long experience of working with tax law suits, carrying out and planning generational shifts, and relocation and splitting up groups of companies. A large part of my work is linked to tax and corporate law considerations in conjunction with acquisitions and disposals. I also work with tax issues for specific sectors, such as companies carrying out construction work, securities operations and companies that are subject to energy taxes. Tax planning and legal issues linked to close companies form a major part of my work.
Ernst & Young CTS, Head of Corporate Tax Services
Advokatfirman Vinge KB
Grosskopf & Partners AB
Advokatfirman Vinge KB
Vinge - Grosskopf Skattekonsulter
Arthur Andersen, tax lawyer
Tax Authority Malmöhus County
County Tax Authority in Malmöhus County
Tax Authority Jönköping's County
Lund University, LL.M.
02 Feb 2022
Option programs for employees in Sweden08 Jun 2020
Deferral with tax payments due to COVID-1926 Mar 2020
Crisis package for Swedish companies03 Jul 2017
Skatteverket om beskattning av styrelsearvode22 Jun 2017
Nytt avseende styrelsearvoden21 Jun 2017
Nya skatteregler för företagssektorn13 Mar 2012
Setterwalls recruits VAT expert Marie Hedin”Sören Brekell combines 'a business-minded and practical approach with very high integrity levels'.”
Legal 500
”Sören is recognised as a Highly Regarded.”
ITR World Tax