Event | 8 juni 2023

Pan-Nordic Conference on Environmental and Ethical Marketing Claims

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Den 8 juni går årets Pan-Nordic Conference on Environmental and Ethical Marketing Claims av stapeln. I årets upplaga träffas vi i Oslo för intressanta föreläsningar och nätverksmöjligheter med deltagare från hela Norden.

Konferensen hålls på engelska. Nedan följer ett utdrag av information och via länken nedan finner du dagens agenda och föredragshållare.

Pan-Nordic Conference on Environmental and Ethical Marketing Claims. Marketing of green initiatives – what are the limits?

During recent years, sustainability efforts and protection of the environment have made significant progress on the international agenda. While having good intentions of offering goods and services with less environmental and climate impact, companies are facing challenges in how to communicate such efforts to clients and consumers. This conference will help participants navigate the legal landscape and gives practical insights and tools to apply when presenting sustainability claims in marketing and communication.

Register for a day full of inspiration with interesting speakers and panel discussions covering the Nordic legal framework as well as the do’s and don’ts of sustainability claims. Industry experts will present relevant cases, current trends and their own work within green initiatives. Further, some of the most experienced Nordic marketing lawyers will guide you through relevant legal topics.

The conference is relevant for CEO’s, marketing executives, CSR managers, in-house counsel, professional and industrial bodies, public authorities and legal advisors with an appetite for marketing insight from peers and ready-to-use legal input.

  • Date: 8 june 2023
  • Time: 9.00 – 15.30
  • Location: Haakon VIIs gate 10, Oslo​, Norway

The full agenda and registration information is available via the link below. Welcome to Olso – we look forward to seeing you!

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