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IT-rätt & dataskydd

Våra specialister har marknadsledande spetskompetens inom IT-rätt och särskilt personuppgiftsfrågor och integritetsfrågor.

Våra erfarna specialister kan stötta dig i alla dina IT-relaterade utmaningar. Vi bistår exempelvis vid:

  • systemupphandling
  • outsourcing
  • upphandlingar av molntjänster respektive IT-tjänster
  • upprättande av utvecklings- och licensavtal.

Vår rådgivning omfattar inte sällan open source-licenser, användningen av cookies och andra internetrelaterade frågor.

Stor kompetens inom GDPR

Vi kan hjälpa dig i alla personuppgifts- och informationssäkerhetsfrågor. Det kan exempelvis gälla:

  • utbildning om dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR)
  • implementeringsstöd gällande GDPR
  • biträde vid eventuellt ärende hos Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten.

Vi bistår även er med snabb hjälp om verksamheten har drabbats av en personuppgiftsincident och ni behöver rådgivning om eventuell anmälningsskyldighet till Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten.

Inom hela IT-branschen

Vi jobbar med ett brett spektrum av företag inom IT-branschen. Det kan exempelvis vara:

  • tele- och internetoperatörer
  • e-handelsföretag
  • IT-konsulter
  • tillverkare av hårdvara
  • programutvecklingsföretag
  • investerare och kunder till dessa aktörer.


Kommersiella avtal


IT, teknologi & telekom

  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    The team at Setterwalls stands out for their blend of legal expertise and strategic thinking, focusing on comprehensive solutions that achieve the best outcomes for clients. Joacim Johannesson exemplifies this approach with his broad competence in corporate law, international investments, shareholder agreements, ESOPs and much more.
    Legal 500
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    Potential clients will find that this team excels in collaboration, seamlessly integrating resources from multiple practice areas to offer comprehensive and innovative legal strategies. Their ability to adapt quickly to new challenges, combined with a deep understanding of both the local and international legal landscapes, gives clients the confidence they need when navigating complex matters.
    Legal 500
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    They prioritise wins for clients while taking a strategic approach to ensure a good deal for all parties involved.
    Chambers Europe
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    They have a pragmatic approach to complex questions and are proactive, flexible and available.
    Chambers Europe
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    We always get a prompt answer and good service levels.
    Chambers Europe
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    The Setterwalls privacy team are always available and ready to give useful and practical advice even if the matter or issue is vague or complicated
    Legal 500
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    Always pragmatic, easy to work with and they respond in a quick and efficient manner and don’t overcomplicate things.
    Chambers and Partners
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    Immediate responses and continuous updates as well as quick deliveries.
    Chambers and Partners
  • The team is always ready to provide relevant guidance to the client, regardless of client’s own maturity. Setterwalls has shown broad and deep understanding of the data privacy and data protection practice within Europe.
    Legal 500
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    Depending on the area and kind of question, the right resource is made available to support you.
    Chambers and Partners
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    Easy to get in touch with. They helped us with our GDPR project in a very competent way.
    Legal 500
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    Pragmatic and to the point with a practical, balanced view.
    Legal 500
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    Setterwalls has a knowledgeable and committed team helping us with our different GDPR questions. They do the work in an efficient and trustworthy which we are very satisfied with.
    Legal 500
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    The practice’s knowledge and expertise about data protection is of the upmost highest level when it comes to international questions and dependencies. They are able to support international businesses acting both inside and outside the EU. They have the strength to support the business’ needs in data protection in combination with all kind of areas and topics, like sales, marketing, HR, finance, technology and IT security. The support and received feedback is incredibly quick
    Legal 500
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    Very skilled team that always gives value. I always feel important and get very engaged and committed individuals to support me in whatever legal matter I need help with. The legal advice is always well balanced according to the risk level we can accept. I am especially impressed with their solution focus and that nothing seems impossible even though the legal framework might be challenging in certain areas where we operate. Setterwalls is our selected long-term legal partner and I have very strong trust in them.
    Legal 500