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IT, teknologi & telekom

Våra topprankade specialister inom IT, teknologi och telekom kombinerar gedigen branscherfarenhet med marknadsledande spetskompetens inom immaterialrätt i allmänhet och IT-rätt i synnerhet.

Branschspecialister inom IT, teknologi och telekom

IT, teknologi och telekom är branscher i snabb utveckling och våra branschspecialister verkar ofta inom gränssnittet där ny teknik och nya affärsmodeller möter verkligheten. Vi ger strategisk rådgivning i samband med bland annat:

  • outsourcing
  • systeminköp
  • onlinetjänster.

Vi kan även hjälpa dig med att granska, upprätta och förhandla licenser och andra avtal i den löpande verksamheten eller att reglera samarbeten på bästa sätt.

Erfaret team med bred branschkunskap

Vi har erfarenhet av rådgivning inom offentlig sektor. Vår rådgivning kan även gälla råd kring de regler som gäller för drivande av verksamheten, hanteringen av personuppgifter, stöd vid utveckling av verksamheten genom förvärv och hantering av risker respektive tvister.

Vi jobbar med ett brett spektrum av företag inom branschen. Det kan vara:

  • tele- och internetoperatörer
  • e-handelsföretag
  • IT-konsulter
  • tillverkare av hårdvara
  • programutvecklingsföretag
  • investerare och kunder till dessa aktörer.



Fredrik Roos


Elin Holm

  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    They prioritise wins for clients while taking a strategic approach to ensure a good deal for all parties involved.
    Chambers Europe
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    The team demonstrates great technical knowledge and the ability to apply this practically and pragmatically.
    Chambers Europe
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    They have a pragmatic approach to complex questions and are proactive, flexible and available.
    Chambers Europe
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    We always get a prompt answer and good service levels.
    Chambers Europe
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    Good knowledge on IT-outsourcing in the financial industry
    Legal 500
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    With their diverse expertise, the team stands out in providing legal advice on complex and diverse issues.
    Legal 500
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    Always pragmatic, easy to work with and they respond in a quick and efficient manner and don’t overcomplicate things.
    Chambers and Partners
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    Immediate responses and continuous updates as well as quick deliveries.
    Chambers and Partners
  • IT-rätt & Dataskydd
    Depending on the area and kind of question, the right resource is made available to support you.
    Chambers and Partners
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    Competent and responsive team, in my experience always provides pragmatic support suited for the specific situation at hand.
    Legal 500
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    Extremely engaged and responsive.
    Legal 500
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    Over the years I have worked with the majority of the major legal firms in the Nordics and Setterwalls are by far the most proactive firm I have encountered. They make sure they are on top of things and make sure we take measures well in advance. They are also much more business oriented than any firm I have previously worked with.
    Legal 500
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    Practical approach and genuine understanding of IT contracts and best practices.
    Chambers & Partners
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    Provides high commercial understanding and senior experience.
    Legal 500
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    Setterwalls has a deep legal knowledge of IT and a good grip on the business environment we work in. They are cost efficient and rapidly come up with good, sound legal advice.
    Chambers Europe
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    Setterwalls has demonstrated their knowledge by combining an understanding of the business, the industry and future aspects together with legal expertise in every area. The skills of understanding the industry means that we can discuss, decide and run our business with confidence and with minimum risks. We feel that this understanding and knowledge and the willingness to fully understand our business climate separates Setterwalls from other firms.
    Legal 500
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    Strong commercially, highly skilled and experts in IT. They are solution-focused, they listen and we have developed a good relationship that works very well.
    Chambers Europe
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    The Setterwalls team is highly professional, always alert and has kept a high performance level over time. We have without exception experienced high quality, high availability and good communication round the delivery of the services.
    Legal 500
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    The team is great; really skilful and fast-working.
    Chambers Europe
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    They have a unique capability in balancing business and legal advice, which is of extreme importance for a start-up company such as ours.
    Legal 500
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    We appreciate that they can provide us with top-notch quality legal advice involving multiple jurisdictions.
    Chambers & Partners
  • IT, Teknologi & Telekom
    We had a good dialogue with the team. The lawyers were responsive and gave us useful input.
    Chambers Europe