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Erik Gadman

Delägare, Advokat


Jag arbetar med att biträda företag och myndigheter med rådgivning inom offentlig upphandling.

Jag har lång erfarenhet av att lämna upphandlingsrättslig rådgivning till leverantörer och upphandlande myndigheter och har arbetat med flera av Europas största civila upphandlingar. Jag biträder klienter före, under och efter genomförandet av offentliga upphandlingar och har även mycket stor erfarenhet av att framgångsrikt företräda klienter i överprövningsprocesser och i tvister om upphandlingsskadestånd. Därutöver arbetar jag med att bistå klienter med rådgivning inom konkurrensrätt, statligt stöd samt avseende utländska direktinvesteringar (FDI).

Jag undervisar på fördjupningskurserna i offentlig upphandling vid Uppsala universitet och Stockholms universitet.

Till medarbetare




Gernandt & Danielsson advokatbyrå


Hannes Snellman advokatbyrå


Postgraduate Diploma in EU Competition Law, King's College London


Master of Laws (LL.M.), UCLA School of Law


Juris kandidat, Uppsala universitet

”Great experience in the field and is well oriented in complex matters”

Who’s who legal Government Contracts

”Erik has many good qualities. He understands our business, is responsive, helps us to think ahead, and most importantly: there is no match in ability to find strong arguments for our cause when there is very little to begin with.”

Chambers Europe

”A talented lawyer”

Who’s who legal Government Contracts

”Erik Gadman is very professional and I feel very confident in what he is doing for us. He is good at explaining complex things so that I can understand and make good decisions about the next step. As far as I can judge he is a very competent lawyer who really knows how to get through a battle with the giants of law. And he is always available!”

Legal 500

”Erik Gadman is one of the most pragmatic lawyers I have ever worked with. I truly appreciate his deep knowledge as regards public procurement.”

Legal 500

”Erik Gadman focuses on healthcare procurement issues and is additionally respected for his expertise in advising care providers on judicial review, competition and regulatory matters.”

Who’s who legal Healthcare

”Erik is very easy to talk to and very good at explaining the legal parts of what we were trying to accomplish.”

Chambers Europe

”He always provides fast responses and is very competent in all matters we have needed help with. He is also very friendly and a nice person to work with.”

Chambers Europe

”He is always making himself available and delivers as agreed.”

Chambers Europe

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