artikel | 25 nov 2015

Life Sciences Report November 2015

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In this issue of Life Sciences Report you can read about a recent report from the Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency regarding prescription drugs outside the pharmaceutical benefit scheme. You can also get some updates on the EU Patent Package; The 18th draft of the rules of procedure was recently presented and the preparatory committee is expected to agree on a final set of rules at its meeting this month. We also summarise some of the more interesting novelties which are proposed to be introduced in the Swedish legislation on public procurement in connection with the transposition of the EU directives.

These are just some of the interesting articles in the field of life sciences. Our guest contributor, Mr. Kenneth Nyblom, managing director for the Generic Pharmaceutical Association in Sweden, writes about his observations on in the field of pharmaceuticals. And don’t forget, you are always welcome to contact us at Setterwalls to take a more in-depth look at these and other issues.

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