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Internationell erfarenhet och förmågan att väva samman olika kompetenser gör Setterwalls till en av Sveriges ledande advokatbyråer inom M&A, där vi jobbar både med privata och publika transaktioner.

Utifrån dina specifika behov sätter vi samman det team som har bäst förutsättningar att optimera din affärsnytta. Ofta innebär det att vi är med redan från den initiala planerings- och förhandlingsfasen. Vidare via genomförandet av due diligence-undersökningar till författande och förhandling av de transaktionsrelaterade avtalen. Våra transaktionsspecialister arbetar sida vid sida med experter inom t.ex. aktiemarknad, förvärvsfinansiering och arbets-, skatte-, och miljörätt. Det ökar dina möjligheter att göra bättre affärer och få full utväxling när företaget köps, säljs eller fusioneras.

Vi har fått förtroendet att jobba med hela landets näringsliv, från familjeägda industriföretag, entreprenörer och tillväxtföretag till multinationella koncerner, globala investmentbanker och olika typer av Private Equity-aktörer, såväl svenska som utländska.


Aktiemarknadsrätt, Bolagsrätt


Private Equity

  • M & A
    The team members are great at identifying the real important issues and find constructive solutions to potential challenges.
    Chambers Europe
  • M & A
    Setterwalls understand the needs of the client and tailor the advice to fit their specific criteria.
    Chambers Europe
  • M & A
    The expertise in this practice and the effort made to achieve results is always above and beyond expectations; simply the best out there
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    The team quickly understands our needs and its members are always problem solvers
    Chambers Global
  • M & A
    The firm is renowned for its client-centric approach, ensuring that the client’s needs and concerns are always prioritised
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    They are a brilliant team: pragmatic, creative, hard-working and good at building relationships
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    Setterwalls are very business-oriented
    Chambers Global
  • M & A
    They are interested to support the client and to get all needed information on the table to assess and challenge the situation – the approach is structured and always balanced between speed and quality based on the situation
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    Setterwalls’ responsiveness and service levels are always outstanding.
    Chambers Global
  • M & A
    They always deliver on time and are available when needed.
    Chambers Global
  • M & A
    Very proactive. Recognized and understands the commercial dimensions of the legal aspects.
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    Accessible and service-minded and always peeking around the corner in order to find solutions and be proactive.
    Chambers and Partners
  • M & A
    Setterwalls is a really thorough and business-oriented adviser. We know the delivery is 100%, and the team has a commercial and business angle on the advice it gives by focusing on what really matters.
    Chambers and Partners
  • M & A
    It’s a strong, pragmatic and commercially focused team.
    Chambers Global
  • M & A
    A combination of professional excellence, personal engagement and a tight relationship.
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    Dedicated, enduring staff with strong attention for details
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    Great energy, focus and partner attention
    Chambers and Partners
  • M & A
    Proactive, attentive and responsive
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    Quick turnaround, appropriate advice and reasonable pricing.
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    Service level is fantastic.
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    The lawyers understand our commercial aims and enable transactions to run smoothly.
    Chambers & Partners
  • M & A
    The team has a wide and deep knowledge of the automotive industry
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    The team is pleasant to work with. We really appreciate its effort and it feels like an extension of our in-house team.
    Chambers & Partners
  • M & A
    They are very commercially focussed with strength in setting a pragmatic agenda and understanding the needs of my business as a client.
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    They are very good at following up on all the things we have discussed.
    Chambers & Partners
  • M & A
    They have a unique capability in balancing business and legal advice, which is of extreme importance for a start-up company such as ours.
    Legal 500
  • M & A
    They respond quickly to our enquiries at almost any time of the day, and the advice and material is always of high quality. They are proactive and ensure that we are on top of all the formal legal matters.
    Chambers & Partners
  • M & A
    Very adaptable to the situation at hand and can home in on the elements of risk.
    Chambers Europe
  • M & A
    Very customer-oriented and provides a strong team.
    Chambers Europe
  • M & A
    Very detail-driven and conscientious.
    Chambers Europe
  • M & A
    We received answers that are relevant, well researched and timely.
    Chambers Europe