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Mikael Magnusson

Delägare, Advokat


Jag är partner och ansvarig för Setterwalls bank- och finansgrupp i Stockholm och arbetar huvudsakligen med olika former av såväl nationella som internationella lånefinansieringsärenden.

Specialiserad inom bank- och finansieringsjuridik och företräder svenska och internationella banker, finansiella institutioner, låntagare och sponsorer, fastighetsbolag och andra investerare i samband med nationella och internationella förvärvsfinansieringar, syndikerade och bilaterala lån, fastighetsfinansieringar och projektfinansieringar. Mitt arbete innefattar vidare bland annat strukturerad finansiering, tillgångsbaserad finansiering och obligationer och annan kapitalmarknadsfinansiering och omstruktureringar av problemkrediter.

Till medarbetare




Advokatfirman Cederquist


Kaupthing Bank Sverige, secondment


Stockholms tingsrätt


Stockholms universitet, juristexamen

”His ability to grasp complex issues, coupled with his proactive communication and dedication to achieving our objectives, make him an invaluable asset to our team.”

Chambers Global

”Mikael is a standout lawyer whose strategic insights and meticulous approach consistently deliver value to our business.”

Chambers Global

”Mikael is very hands-on to ensure the quality is presented.”

Chambers Global

”Mikael Magnusson is a maestro of banking and finance.”

Chambers Global

”Mikael Magnusson is one of the stars of his generation. He provides business-oriented advice and finds pragmatic solutions, but also has an eye to the details in the documentation. Carl Lindencrona also provides business-oriented advice and is technically very skilled.”

Legal 500

”Mikael Magnusson and his team provide excellent assistance, great know-how and great attention to detail.”

Legal 500

”He is very solution-oriented.”

Chambers Global

”Mikael Magnusson is easy to work with, pragmatic, likeable and high quality.”

Chambers Global

”His ability to grasp intricate structures and navigate through them makes him a trusted anchor amidst turbulent times.”

Chambers Global

”Mikael Magnusson as partner in charge gives satisfactory partner attention to each case.”

Legal 500

”Mikael Magnusson is by far one of the most hands-on partners that you will find amongst the Nordic top law firms. He combines excellent and relevant advice based on deep industry knowledge. Adding unparalleled project management and focus on the items that really matters for his clients makes him our most appreciated adviser out there.”

Legal 500

”Mikael Magnusson and Carl Lindencrona are the ones to note – both great and still hungry partners building their practice into one of the leading firms in Stockholm.”

Legal 500

”Very hard-working”

Chambers Global

”Very hands-on and involved”

Chambers Global

”Mikael Magnusson enjoys a stellar reputation among peers in the European banking and finance market. He is highly sought after for his expertise on domestic and cross-border financing matters.”


”The "practical, knowledgeable and hard-working" Mikael Magnusson progresses in the rankings following continued recognition of his growing presence in the market. He frequently represents lenders in real estate finance transactions, with additional experience in acquisition finance and refinancing mandates.”

Chambers Global

”Mikael Magnusson – is a highly skilled and experienced lawyer and is one of our first hand choices when it comes to financial restructurings. He keeps track of both the details and the overall picture. He is a delight to work with and stays hands-on throughout any transaction.”

Legal 500

”Mikael Magnusson is a real star. Always available, hands on and great drafting skills. In addition, he is very nice to work with.”

Legal 500

”Mikael Magnusson is a “very skilled lawyer”, applauded for “his level of commitment, his deep commercial understanding and project management”.”


”Mikael Magnusson continues to impress market commentators, with one client enthusing: "He is business-oriented, extremely service-minded and provides relevant and tailored advice." He often advises on real estate finance transactions and also has experience in leveraged acquisition finance.”

Chambers Global

”Mikael Magnusson is a very dedicated and hands-on lawyer who is available, solutions oriented and nice to work with.”

Legal 500

”Entering the rankings for the first time, Mikael Magnusson is praised by one client for being "extremely into the details and able to predict problems". This source also appreciates the fact that "he will always give a clear opinion". He advises a variety of lenders on term loan and revolving facility agreements. He has experience of project finance mandates involving the construction industry.”

Chambers Europe

”Excellent lawyer with great knowledge within the area and very good drafting skills.”


”Good understanding of the underlying business. Dedicated team player and excellent technical skills.”


”Solution-oriented and business-focused, entailing that he ensures that the negotiations focus on the right items. He has excellent drafting skills and is great when it comes to project management.”


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