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Setterwalls fastighetsgrupp är en av de främsta inom landet och har ett mycket erfaret team av specialister med spetskunskap inom fastighetsbranschens alla områden. Vi har lång erfarenhet av att tillhandahålla rådgivning med fokus på kvalitet, affärsmässighet och effektivitet.

Vi hjälper dig att genomföra lyckade fastighetsaffärer inom områdets alla segment – från förvärv, förvaltning och förädling till försäljning. Vi arbetar löpande med såväl medelstora och stora uppdrag där vi exempelvis skräddarsyr aktieägaravtal i fastighetsutvecklingsprojekt, förhandlar hyresavtal åt fastighetsägare eller hyresgäster. Vi guidar klienter genom miljörättsliga frågeställningar samt är behjälpliga vid finansiering av fastighetstransaktioner. Vi förhandlar aktieöverlåtelseavtal och agerar bollplank åt exploatörer vid ny bebyggelse. Vi hanterar tvister inom exempelvis entreprenadjuridikens värld, assisterar vid börsnoteringar av fastighetsbolag och mer därtill. All den juridiska hjälp du behöver finns under vårt tak.

Teamet rankas kontinuerligt som ett av de absolut bästa i landet. Vi har lång erfarenhet av att arbeta med såväl svensk som gränsöverskridande fastighetsjuridik. Vi assisterar kontinuerligt flera av världens största fastighetsfonder men även lokala aktörer i fastighetsrättsliga ärenden.

Nedan finner du ett axplock av den expertis vi besitter och bakom varje rubrik finner du en mer djupgående presentation av respektive område.

  • Fastighetsrätt
    A team with skills in all areas where we need support, and with a good team leader who follows and is involved in all our cases. The team is very much involved in our daily business and more or less part of our company.
    Legal 500
  • Fastighetsrätt
    Setterwalls is commercial, legally knowledgeable, attentive and fast. It has a good understanding of the underlying commercial aspects in the legal context.
    Chambers Europe
  • Fastighetsrätt
    The lawyers have local expertise in all areas we need for our business.
    Chambers Europe
  • Fastighetsrätt
    Setterwalls provides a very professional and client-oriented approach.
    Chambers Europe
  • Fastighetsrätt
    The real estate team at Setterwalls are truly best in class in my opinion
    Legal 500
  • Fastighetsrätt
    With extensive expertise and dedication, they deliver outstanding results and ensure that we receive comprehensive legal solutions.
    Legal 500
  • Fastighetsrätt
    Setterwalls is an organisation that embraces a broad spectrum of skilled competencies, with an ability to simplify and complete complex matters.
    Chambers Europe
  • Fastighetsrätt
    Setterwalls put in a lot of effort to understand us as a client. They have a good tendency to hear what we want.
    Chambers Europe
  • Fastigheter
    Good sector knowledge, punctual delivery on tight time schedules and strong negotiation skills.
    Chambers and Partners
  • Fastighetsrätt
    The law firm has a unique ability to put together a high-level team, meticulously tailored for the specific needs of their client. As a result, the team maintains a holistic view of their client’s challenges and manage proactive problem-solving in the best way possible.
    Chambers and Partners
  • Fastighetsrätt
    A strong and dedicated Real Estate team with backing from a full service firm. Highly skilled individuals working in a team with full transparency and a solution based approach to RE transactions.
    Legal 500
  • Fastighetsrätt
    The firm is always ready to serve us, and has full awareness of the commercial issues.
    Chambers & Partners
  • Fastighetsrätt
    The team has a uniquely broad as well as deep/specialised knowledge in real estate law. The team provides clients with hands-on adequate practical legal advice, no matter the commercial twist.
    Legal 500
  • Fastighetsrätt
    The team is very competent and always does its best to deliver a good result.
    Legal 500
  • Fastighetsrätt
    Their ability to set up a team with the required expertise that meets our needs both from a legal and a business perspective.
    Chambers Europe
  • Fastighetsrätt
    Their diversity in services and the fact that you always feel like you are a VIP client.
    Legal 500
  • Fastighetsrätt
    They are up to date and very creative.
    Chambers Europe
  • Fastighetsrätt
    They really put me and my challenge in focus and always fed back very quickly and accurately.
    Legal 500
  • Fastighetsrätt
    They understand the market very well.
    Chambers Europe
  • Fastighetsrätt
    Thorough experience is put into practice. Acting as a sound business partner and strategic advisor.
    Legal 500
  • Fastighetsrätt
    Setterwalls is diligent and has a strong understanding of the legal, commercial and financing aspects of transactions and business operations
    Chambers & Partners Europe
  • Fastighetsrätt
    The team is up to date regarding market practise and solutions
    Chambers & Partners Europe
  • Fastighetsrätt
    Their integrity and skills within real estate transactions and contracts are especially valuable to us.
    Legal 500
  • Fastighetsrätt
    The team have a very high commercial knowledge in the real estate sector
    Legal 500
  • Entreprenadrätt
    Setterwalls knows what we require asan internationalclient and has deep insight into Swedish construction law and practice.
    Chambers Global