Event | Malmö | Online | 16 april 2024
Pan-Nordic Conference on Environmental and Ethical Marketing Claims

We are pleased to announce the fourth edition of our Pan-Nordic conference on Environmental and Ethical Marketing claims, which will take place in Malmö, Sweden, on 16 April 2024. Join us for an inspirational day of insightful subjects, discussions and networking opportunities where we delve into crucial topics shaping the landscape of environmental and ethical marketing claims.
Register for a day full of inspiration with interesting speakers and panel discussions covering the Nordic legal framework as well as the do’s and don’ts of sustainability claims. Industry experts will present relevant cases, current trends and their own work within green initiatives, and some of the most experienced Nordic marketing lawyers will guide you through relevant legal topics.
This year’s agenda focuses on the following main topics:
”Follow the green” and sustainability as a financial incentive where representatives from the banking and investment sectors will guide us through green loans and attracting capital to green investments answering questions such as ”what makes an investment sustainable?”. Further, Nordic legal representatives will clarify clashes between marketing and financial regulations and guidelines (ESMA) in relation to green claims.
The new narrative of climate capitalism represented by Swedish advertising and brand agency The Bacon Hospital, who works exclusively with brands sharing their mission of reaching beyond the 2030 goals. Using communication as a tool – how can companies shape up to break new ground corresponding to the global challenges we are facing?
How to be compliant in a non-compliant world is a matter of brave and relevant decisions and the afternoon aims to highlight legal and ethical aspects setting the agenda to the contemporary communication framework. Nordic representatives will bring clarity to how unexpected ”shitstorms” arising from marketing activities with ethical, moral, or political impact, can be managed, and you will be given an introduction to The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).
Trends beyond the ordinary will round the day up serving as main topic for the panel members debating progressive marketing, legal and reputational risks and opportunities from a Nordic and consumer insight perspective, moderated by Swedish law firm Setterwalls. Please stay on after the panel discussions and enjoy final conversations over a pizza slice and beverages before heading home.
- When: 16 April 2024
- Where: Malmö, Sweden, Sydsvenska Industri- och Handelskammaren, Ångbåtsbron 1
- Sessions: Doors open at 08:30. Scheduled speakers and panel between 09:00 – 15:30, including coffee breaks and lunch. Pizza and mingle from 15:30, onwards. Please note that the event will be held in English. The content of the agenda and time table may change, and guest speakers will be advised as soon as confirmed.
- Who: The conference is relevant for CEO’s, marketing and sustainability executives, in-house counsel, professional and industrial bodies, public authorities and legal advisers with an appetite for marketing insight from peers and ready-to-use legal input.
Agenda (coffee breaks between most sessions)
- 09:00 – Welcome! Tove Andersson and Helena Nilsson, Partners and lawyers at Setterwalls, and Mariette Gunnarsson at Handelskammaren
- 09:15 – Sustainable Investing: The Challenge of Attracting Capital. Philip Mitchell, Head of Sustainability at Formue
- 10:00 – Green Loans and Transition Efforts for Real Estate. Morten Penthin Svendsen, Senior Analyst at Nykredit
- 10:30 – Climate Capitalism – the new narrative. Lina Gustavsson, Founder of The Bacon Hospital
- 11:15 – Clashes between marketing regulations and financial regulations and guidelines (ESMA) in relation to green claims. Claus Barrett Christiansen, Partner and lawyer at Bech-Bruun
- 11:45 – Lunch is served
- 12:45 – Shitstorms – how to manage unexpected debacles arising from marketing activities with ethical, moral, or political impact. Jeppe Lyhne Veddinge, Senior Advisor at Geelmuyden Kiese.
- 13:15 – Oatly: Challenging status quo – approved by legal. Anna Åhnberg, Sustainability Engagement Manager at Oatly
- 13:45 – Introduction to The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). Marie Vaale-Hallberg, Partner and lawyer at Kvale
- 14:35 – Panel discussion: Trends beyond the ordinary, moderated by Tove Andersson and Helena Nilsson, Partners and lawyers at Setterwalls
- 15:10 – Thank you!
- 15:20 – Pizza and mingle
The times are subject to change.
The Pan-Nordic Conference on Environmental and Ethical Marketing Claims is presented by Nordic law firms Setterwalls Advokatbyrå (Sweden), Advokatfirma Bech-Bruun (Denmark), Kvale Advokatfirma (Norway) and Borenius Attorneys (Finland).
The event is free of charge and makes an excellent networking platform for professionals from all Nordic countries. Food and beverages will be served throughout the day. It is possible to join via video link, however the digital viewing will not be interactive. This year the event will be held at Sydsvenska Industri- och Handelskammaren (The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden).
Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of the dialogue that shapes the future of environmental and ethical marketing claims. Register now by clicking the link below (limited amount of participants on-site). We look forward to seeing you in Malmö!
Register here (on-site in Malmö)
Register here (digital viewing)