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Magnus Steninger

Delägare, Advokat


Jag är specialiserad på fastighetstransaktioner, fastighetsprojekt och andra fastighetsrättsliga ärenden.

Med en kombination av god branschkännedom, legala kunskaper och affärsmässighet tillvaratar jag våra klienters intressen i alla situationer.

I mitt dagliga arbete biträder jag svenska och utländska aktörer på fastighetsmarknaden med legal rådgivning inom transaktioner, joint venture-upplägg, bostadsprojekteringar och allmän fastighetsrätt. Jag har stor erfarenhet av komplexa transaktioner och hantering av ägar- och strukturrelaterade frågeställningar inom delägda projekt. Vidare har jag djupgående kunskap och erfarenheter från flera av de största bostadsprojekten som har genomförts i Sverige under de senaste tio åren.

Cross border-projekt med särskilt fokus på fondinvesteringar är ett av mina expertområden där jag har mångårig erfarenhet. Vidare har jag biträtt klienter med legal rådgivning i samband med såväl noteringar som avnoteringar av fastighetsbolag på börsen.

Vidare har jag även erfarenhet av att biträda klienter inom plan- och fastighetsbildningsfrågor, exploateringsavtal, nyttjanderättsfrågor såsom hyra och arrende, miljörätt, energi, fastighetsrättsliga tvister och servitutsfrågor.

Jag sitter även i en advisory board för en stor proptech-investerare och har mycket god insyn i den svenska proptech-marknaden där jag bland annat är legal rådgivare till Stockholms första proptech-hub.

Till medarbetare




MAQS Advokatbyrå


Stockholms univeristet, juristexamen


MAQS Advokatbyrå, Trainee


Barton LLP New York, Trainee


Linköpings universitet, affärsjuridisk examen

Externa publikationer

”Magnus Steninger stands out for his legal expertise, speed, and deep commercial insight. His ability to tailor solutions and negotiate effectively makes him an important asset for us. We value his commitment, accessibility, and business acumen, which sets him apart from the competitors we have previously worked with. We appreciate his dedication and approach, making him our trusted adviser.”

Legal 500

”Magnus Steninger is highly skilled in real estate law and negotiations. His advice is always accurate and paired with his understanding of our business, leads to very good results. He is interested and available and has a focus on details while still maintaining a good overview.”

Legal 500

”His ability to tailor solutions and negotiate effectively makes him a key asset.”

Chambers Europe

”Magnus's ability to understand our business is a key factor in his stellar performance. He has the ability to put things in perspective, opening up pragmatic solutions.”

Chambers Europe

”Magnus really helped us a lot negotiating the terms above our expectations.”

Chambers Europe

”Magnus Steninger's exceptional legal expertise and commitment to delivering tailored solutions make him a valuable asset.”

Chambers Europe

”Magnus Steninger is an exceptional professional with great enthusiasm that truly understands, and takes interest in, the big picture of a deal.”

Legal 500

”Magnus' client service is excellent and he is always available.”

Chambers Europe

”Patric Olofsson and Magnus Steninger are two excellent individual lawyers but as a team they are unbeatable.”

Legal 500

”Patric Olofsson and Magnus Steninger, working as a team or individually are, in my opinion, among the leaders in the Swedish legal real estate scene. They fully understand our business and offer service at an outstanding level. Both have in-depth knowledge and experience from years working at the top of the industry. Magnus also adds equally important curiosity and openness for new technical solutions to the business. Paired with personal qualities, it makes working with them a true pleasure and something I can highly recommend.”

Legal 500

”Magnus Steninger has proven to be an important contributor to our business. He provides a focus on details and paired with his knowledge of and interest in our operations he represent us in the best of ways. His experience and commitment makes him highly recommendable and a lawyer to follow in the future.”

Legal 500

”We always work with Magnus Steninger who acts very professionally, is relatively young but always on the customer’s side and works quickly to produce results. He has good arguments and is always business-oriented and wants to get the deal done. Therefore, he is often appreciated by our counterparts as well.”

Legal 500

”Magnus Steninger is our go-to lawyer in almost all legal matters within our real estate investments. He is pragmatic, fast and has a good understanding of the commercial side of a deal making him able to give us good advice and negotiating efficiently to secure good deals.”

Legal 500

”Magnus Steninger stands out through his dedication and accessibility. His exceptional legal expertise and commitment to delivering tailored solutions make him a valuable asset to our team. Magnus’s ability to combine his deep legal expertise with a genuine understanding of our business needs is what sets him apart from competitors.”

Legal 500

”Magnus Steninger is outstanding!”

Legal 500

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