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Bruno Neumann

Senior Associate, Advokat


I mitt arbete lämnar jag rådgivning till såväl svenska som internationella företag i frågor som rör företagsförvärv och förnyelsebara energiprojekt.

Jag har bred erfarenhet inom frågor som rör utveckling, försäljning och finansiering av förnyelsebara energiprojekt. Utöver energirelaterade transaktioner och avtal bistår jag våra klienter löpande i förhandlingar rörande olika typer av kommersiella avtal.

Till medarbetare




Lunds universitet, juristexamen

”Bruno Neumann offers deep cross-disciplinary competencies and is extremely effective.”

Legal 500

”Bruno Neumann is a brilliant lawyer who elegantly and swiftly delivers strong legal advice that is commercially implementable.”

Chambers Europe

”Bruno Neumann is a rising star within the corporate law side of the renewable energy industry. I'm a big fan and very much impressed.”

Chambers Europe

”Bruno is great to work with. He has excellent availability and execution.”

Chambers Europe

”Very reliant with a first class service, providing relevant and clever advice extremely swiftly.”

Legal 500

”Bruno Neumann is extremely into the details, and has the ability to see all the links in the case matters and different contracts. He has a very good understanding of the energy sector.”

Chambers Europe

”Bruno Neumann is a brilliant lawyer who, because of his deep knowledge of many different areas of law and insights into the industry, is a trusted adviser for energy related matters in Sweden.”

Legal 500

”Bruno Neumann is extremely into the details, and has the ability to see all the links in the case matters and different contracts. He has a very good understanding of the energy sector.”

Chambers Europe

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