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Joacim Johannesson

Delägare, Advokat


Jag är ansvarig för Setterwalls FinTechgrupp och bistår primärt inom inhemska och gränsöverskridande FinTech-frågor.

Sedan mitten av 1990-talet bistår jag svenska och internationella klienter med rådgivning inom IP/Tech samt FinTech sektorn. Under mina år i Stockholm har jag skapat mig en bred kunskap och förståelse kring IP/Tech samt FinTech branschen.

Genom åren har jag lämnat rådgivning och stöd till internationella och svenska investerare, entreprenörer, start-ups samt såväl finansiella institutioner som teknikföretag som verkar inom ovan nämnda branscher. Utöver IP/Tech verksamhetsnära projekt såsom förhandla och driva avtalsförhandlingar kring stora komplexa avtal och processer kopplat till t.ex. IT-system, outsourcing, OEM, licenser och därmed förenliga tjänster har jag också stor erfarenhet att leda projekt inom företagsförvärv (och försäljningar), samgåenden och investeringar samt kapitalanskaffning.

Till medarbetare




Hamilton & Co. Advokatbyrå, Stockholm


Biddle Law Firm, London


Stockholm tingsrätt, notarie


Lunds universitet, juristexamen


San Diego State University, studier i ekonomi och språk

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Externa publikationer



International Bar Association (IBA)


Sveriges Advokatsamfund

”Joacim is excellent at anticipating challenges to ensure we are prepared for any event. This allows us to carefully plan every step that we take.”

Chambers Europe

”What stands out is Joacim's industry knowledge, reliability and high degree of integrity in his approach.”

Chambers Europe

”Joacim Johannesson is top in everything; he is extremely responsive and competent.”

Chambers and Partners FinTech Guide

”Joacim Johannesson possesses the ability to promptly assess each situation and, depending on the specific case, assemble a team as needed.”

Legal 500

”He is very responsive and commercial and provides a great service and high quality.”

Chambers Europe

”Our go-to lawyer in Sweden”

Chambers Europe

”Joacim Johannesson gives a very high level of service. He is easy to work with and always available. He has deep knowledge within the field.”

Chambers and Partners FinTech Guide

”Joacim Johannesson is great: easy to work with, has a high level of understanding of what's important, and is agile at getting it done.”

Chambers Fintech

”Joacim Johannesson is very service-orientated and is really at the forefront of his work.”

Chambers Fintech

”Very seasoned and experienced, with good tone and service-mindedness, a good balance between business and law, and a way to establish relationships across the board.”

Chambers FinTech

”The individuals we have worked with stand out in there professionalism, discretion and knowledge of our business insights and logic. We have especially valued Joacim Johannesson for his integrity and high-value advice on both short ad hoc questions and more in-depth, high-quality work.”

Legal 500, 2021

”I think it is quite fun working with them and Joacim. He has been working with us a long time; he knows our business very well and how complicated things are. He knows how we and our stakeholders think. It is very easy to take up new issues and they understand exactly what we need.”

Chambers and Partners FinTech Guide

”Joacim Johannesson acts on fintech-related matters, GDPR projects and technology transactions on behalf of major financial institutions and technology and service providers. One client describes him as a "pragmatic and flexible" lawyer who "has the ability to find the right solution for each case," going on to add: "He understands the business side of an agreement and identifies the key issues to solve."”

Chambers Europe

”He is an absolute pleasure to work with. He is very pragmatic and humble.”

Chambers and Partners FinTech Guide

”Joacim Johannesson show extraordinary attention and provide relevant advice and legal work at a very high quality with a very fast response rate. Joacim makes sure to stay updated on our work and strategic development in order to continuously provide us with state-of-the-art advice. Dedication and commitment is awesome.”

Legal 500

”He is fantastic. He's great in negotiations, really has an entrepreneurial spirit and understands my attitudes and needs. He's always quick to respond and great with investors.”

Chambers and Partners FinTech Guide

”A well-known name who has been around for a long time.”

Chambers Europe

”He really gets what we are aiming for, not just the legal aspect, but also the commercial aspect.”

Chambers Europe

”Always available, responds to my questions within time limits and comes up with his own brilliant ideas as well. He is a very pragmatic person.”

Chambers Europe

”Joacim Johannesson is at ease taking the lead on major cross-border corporate deals which are fundamentally driven by IP and technology concerns.”

iam 1000

”Joacim Johannesson leverages his sage commercial awareness to structure valuable agreements, primarily in the telecommunications, media and technology.”

iam 1000

”Joacim Johannesson is praised for his outstanding expertise and service.”

Legal 500

”Joacim Johannesson is very commercial when looking to solve problems - he is hands-on.”

Chambers Europe

”Clients appreciate Joacim Johannesson's negotiation skills in contractual agreements, and his ability to understand complex business matters.”

Chambers Europe

”Joacim has a high level of knowledge, business awareness and service level. ”

Chambers Europe

”Pragmatic, positive problem solvers managing the long- and short-term perspective. Joacim Johannesson is a star in whom we have full confidence.”

Legal 500

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