Sophia Spala
Delägare, AdvokatProfil
Jag är sedan 2005 huvudsakligen verksam inom områdena immaterial- och marknadsrätt samt kommersiella avtal, ofta med internationell anknytning och ofta i en digital miljö.
Jag hanterar dagligen uppdrag där svenska eller utländska företag behöver rådgivning kring skydd och kommersialisering av deras immateriella och andra tillgångar. En stor del av uppdragen avser varumärken, upphovsrätt eller reklam- och marknadsföringsfrågor och jag har erfarenhet av att hantera komplicerade tvister inom dessa områden. Jag ägnar en stor del av min arbetstid åt upprättande och förhandling av kommersiella avtal, t.ex. rörande samarbeten, utveckling, licensiering, inköp och försäljning och jag har gedigen erfarenhet av teknologi- och IP-transaktioner. De uppdrag jag arbetar med har ofta en gränsöverskridande aspekt och jag är därför van att arbeta i internationella projekt. Jag har särskild erfarenhet inom tech, inklusive software-as-a-service (SaaS), social media, digital marknadsföring och digital hälsa, liksom inom underhållnings-, media-, alkohol-, tobak- och FMCG-branscherna, samt inom allmänna marknads- och konsumenträttsliga frågor avseende t.ex. e-handel.
Stockholms tingsrätt, tingsnotarie
Lunds universitet, fil. kand. i företagsekonomi, inriktning finansiering
Lunds universitet, juristexamen
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bryssel, Belgien, Erasmus, studier i EU-rätt och franska
28 Nov 2024
Scraping the Surface of Web Scraping – What Fintech Companies Should Consider When Harvesting the Web28 Nov 2024
The Swedish Dilemma: Balancing Data Protection and Background Checks in the Financial Sector23 Nov 2023
Generative AI is here – what to consider for companies when using generative AI technology14 Jun 2021
NFTs and copyright – complementary or at odds?15 Feb 2021
Setterwalls återigen högt rankade av WTR 100009 Feb 2021
The Digital Services Act. Does it concern your company, what is it and what happens now?14 Apr 2020
Att hyrbilar är utrustade med radiomottagare föranleder ingen upphovsrättslig ersättningsskyldighet20 Mar 2020
Coronaviruset och behandling av personuppgifter07 Oct 2019
Alla verks likhet inför lagen20 Aug 2018
Ny lag om företagshemligheter08 Feb 2017
Fyra nya delägare på Setterwalls16 Feb 2016
Nya regler inom varumärkesrätten15 Feb 2016
Trendbrott – Antalet LOU-mål minskar drastiskt05 Feb 2016
HFD uttalar sig om onormalt låga anbud – strategi med negativa anbudspriser kan vara godtagbar16 Nov 2015
Prisförhandla rätt!Förtroendeuppdrag
Seminariet "Strategi och affärsplanering - utifrån och in", Motivation.se (februari 2015)
”Sophia is a top-notch lawyer who is also personable and client-focused. She provides timely, straightforward advice that is always to the point.”
Chambers Global
”She provides strategic and valuable counselling.”
Chambers Global
”Sophia is always very knowledgeable and knows her clients very well.”
Chambers Global
”Renowned for her prowess in navigating complex cross-border disputes”
WTR 1000
”Sophia Spala is a very complete lawyer. She is smart and fast. She understands the client’s situation and adapts to it, without compromising her integrity. In addition, she is very nice and easy to work with.”
Legal 500
”A brilliant litigator, she demonstrates exceptional legal acumen.”
WTR 1000
”Sophia Spala and the team at Setterwalls have been invaluable consultants in the early stages of setting up protection for our brand. I would highly recommend Sophia Spala and Setterwalls to our peers.”
Legal 500
”Aiding a diverse client base from technology to fast-moving consumer goods.”
WTR 1000
”Sophia Spala is a solid, thorough lawyer being capable of thinking outside box.”
Legal 500
”Sophia Spala is a really experienced partner who not only has great knowledge in her field but also a very business minded and helpful way of working towards us as clients. Sophia’s way of turning legally complex information into understandable ways of working and handling our personal data in our every day business really stands out.”
Legal 500
”Sophia Spala has been our anchor for a number of years and always delivers high-quality results. She brings in the best colleagues to help out with specific tasks but she always oversees and ensures brilliant results. I also appreciate her warm and positive personality and we have built a strong relationship. She has offered the same support from day one when we were a very small start-up and has kept following us when we grow with high engagement. It is always fun to work with Sophia, she paints the legal work in colours! I have noticed the same personal and engaged style from many other individuals at Setterwalls as well. I believe it comes back to a great company culture and strong values.”
Legal 500
”Sophia Spala is an absolute star. She is responsive, creative, practical and consistently gets excellent results. Sophia gets things done in excellent time and has great judgement. The service is outstanding and she is a lovely person too.”
WTR 1000
”She is responsive, practical, efficient and, most importantly, effective. She provides thorough and commercially minded but concise analysis that takes into account her clients’ wider goals. Sophia is a delight to work with, with a warm and friendly personality.”
WTR 1000
”Sophia Spala is a top-notch, customer-centric lawyer. She is always on top of things and so easy to work with. Her advice is always to the point and commercially minded. Clients really like to work with her as she gets things done with a good end result. I can really recommend her.”
Legal 500
”I have worked with Sophia Spala on several occasions. She has always listened very carefully to understand our needs, then patiently guided us through the process while discussing our various options. She serves you in an organised and respectful manner which makes you feel comfortable even under stressful situations. Her skills and strategic decisions have helped me and my company to achieve outcomes better than expected.”
Legal 500
”A top-notch, client-centric lawyer who pro-vides pragmatic and clear advice on a range of complex trademark matters, including li-cence agreements and cross-border litiga-tions. She delivers her advice promptly and is seemingly available at all hours. Sophia is a safe pair of hands for brand owners. ”
WTR 1000
”Handles enforcement matters with a great overview.”
WTR 1000
”She knows all the pitfalls and never forgets the economic aspects of the case.”
WTR 1000
”She is easy to work with and her advice is prompt and hands on.”
WTR 1000
”One of the most outstanding lawyers out there – she is a true rainmaker.”
WTR 1000
”Takes a very practical and effective approach.”
Legal 500
”Sophia is a great lawyer.”
Legal 500