Fredrik Roos
Delägare, AdvokatProfil
Sedan 2003 har jag biträtt bolag med rådgivning avseende teknologi, immateriella rättigheter, kommersiella avtal och dataskydd.
Jag har varit delägare sedan 2010 och leder Settewalls IP/Tech-grupp. Jag är specialiserad inom teknologi och biträder svenska och internationella företag med teknik- och IP-intensiva projekt inkluderande samarbeten, transaktioner, licensering, inköp, e-handel, sociala medier och telekommunikation. Jag biträder regelbundet i komplexa frågor i samband med introduktion av ny teknik och nya digitala tjänster. Jag har ett särskilt intresse för, och erfarenhet av, projekt som innefattar data, maskininlärning, AI, automatisering, elektromobilitet, Internet of Things (IoT) och Open Source-mjukvara.
Med min erfarenhet av såväl dataskydd som immateriella rättigheter, och min tekniska bakgrund, har jag specialiserat mig på att biträda klienter i förhandlingar, komplexa transaktioner och avtal som rör informationsägande och nyttjande av data. Jag har mer än 15 års erfarenhet av att arbeta med regulatoriska frågor rörande dataskydd.
Holland & Knight LLP, Boston, USA
Göteborgs universitet, juristexamen
Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för Informatik, forskare
Advokatfirman Cederquist, trainee
10 Apr 2024
Setterwalls har biträtt Jollyroom AB i en marknadsrättslig tvist mot Twistshake of Sweden AB26 Jul 2022
Setterwalls har framgångsrikt företrätt Jollyroom AB i mål om utdömande av vite gentemot Baby V AB27 Aug 2021
Setterwalls har framgångsrikt företrätt Jollyroom AB i tvist rörande vilseledande prismarknadsföring14 Mar 2025
Förändringar i lagstiftning om kamerabevakning börjar gälla i Sverige från och med den 1 april03 May 2024
Ny reglering ställer utökade krav på tillgänglighet – uppfyller era produkter och tjänster kraven?08 Dec 2022
NIS2 – New EU Cybersecurity Framework25 Nov 2021
Life Sciences Report November 202125 Nov 2021
Collaborations between life sciences and IT companies from an intellectual property rights perspective15 May 2020
How life sciences companies can use IP in times of crisis: 8 ideas to turn challenges into opportunity19 Feb 2020
Update: EDPB publishes personal data guidelines for connected vehicles and mobility applications27 Nov 2019
Processing personal data for research purposes11 Nov 2019
FinTech Report 201907 Oct 2019
Alla verks likhet inför lagen24 Sep 2019
Datainspektionen granskar rutiner för upptäckande och utredning av personuppgiftsincidenter01 Nov 2018
Life Sciences Report November 201825 Sep 2018
”Internetdöden” nalkas, eller?20 Aug 2018
Ny lag om företagshemligheter16 Feb 2016
Nya regler inom varumärkesrätten07 Oct 2015
EU-domstolen ogiltigförklarar Safe Harbor22 Jun 2015
IP Tech Report Summer 201530 Oct 2014
Snart ändras momsreglerna13 Jun 2014
IP Tech Report Summer 2014Externa publikationer
Elektronisk signering (medförfattare)
Cross Border E-Commerce: Schweden (med Johan Lind)
Ambush Marketing (med Lukas Bühlmann, Marina Paolba, Michael L. Novicoff, Fabian Reinholz och Vivien Chan)
Blowing the whistle in Sweden? - compliance hotlines and protection of privacy (med Bobi Mitrovic)
Shape, product and trademark? - Is a 3d-trademark something for you? (med Agnes Andersson)
If I own the copy then who owns the game? - Legal issues in a virtual environment (med Martina Bertilsson)
Legal Issues in the Global Information Society (med Professor Stephen C. Hicks et al.)
E-Commerce and the law of digital Signatures (med Per Furberg et al.)
Controlling national top-level domains-the question of legitimacy
ICANN and Internet Governance: Unraveling the Myth (med Konstantinos Komaitis)
First Come Not Served: Domain Name Regulation in Sweden
å ä ö - Trademarks and Domain Names in Sweden
Domain Names - Estudiar y discutir el sistema que arregla (med Dr. Mathias Klang)
Why Britney Rocks! New Business Models for Musicians (med Dr. Mathias Klang)
Copyright in an Age of Disruptive Technologies (med Dr. Mathias Klang)
eHandelsrätt - Handbok för näringsidkare (med Dr. Mathias Klang)
Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA )
International Technology Law Association (ItechLaw)
”Fredrik is a true partner to the business and has a practical approach to complex issues. He is my go-to external counsel on complex legal topics.”
Chambers Global
”Fredrik is exceptional. Great availability, knowledge, to the point advice etc. He is my main rock to lean on.”
Legal 500
”Fredrik is highly appreciated across the organisation for his responsiveness, intelligence and thoughtfulness, which makes him an absolute pleasure to work with. He has an ability to take a step back and look at the bigger picture and provide solutions.”
Chambers Europe
”One of the world's leading Data and TMT lawyers.”
Who's Who Legal
”One of the best in the field, and he utilises a brilliant grasp of his clients’ business needs to offer tailored IP advice.”
WTR 1000
”Fredrik Roos has in-depth knowledge and the ability to explain complex matters in an easy manner.”
Chambers Global
”Partner Fredrik Roos has a unique understanding of the data role in future business model. He has ensured that our Company is well protected against future unknowns without limiting the possibility to work with partners, customers and suppliers in a good way.”
Legal 500
”Fredrik really understands the client's issues from the client's perspective and always tries to find a balanced, suited-for-the-purpose solution.”
Chambers Global
”He is attentive, and he understands the goals and needs.”
Chambers Europe
”Fredrik really understands the client's issues from the client's perspective and always tries to find a balanced, suited-for-the-purpose solution.”
Chambers Europe
”Fredrik is to the point, extremely service minded and has in-depth knowledge of the relevant IP laws. Fredrik has the ability to communicate complex matters in a simple manner, so that the client is able to understand the issues at stake and make a well thought out decision on how to proceed.”
Legal 500
”They are easy-going, hard-working and with an exceptional business understanding that expands well beyond what could be expected by a firm within this practice. The individuals are determined to find solutions and always working hard to find a way forward with the client’s best interest in mind. Fredrik Roos’ knowledge within the IP area has been vital to the success of my Project.”
Legal 500
”He is one of the best lawyers I have worked with. He gives advice with a business mindset compared with in-house counsel, but still with the quality that you can expect from an external lawyer and with the value for money.”
”I think he is really good at getting the full picture and is on the money pretty much all the time. He is very knowledgeable in this sector.”
”Praised for his ability to adapt the advice to the situation and the business aspect.”
Chambers Global
”Fredrik is a star, he is very easy to work with and very laid back and he makes complicated issues seem relatively straightforward. He is very hard working, he is contactable any hour of day or night and he has been a real help. I don’t know what we would do without him to be honest. I think they are smashing and I have no constructive feedback.”
Chambers Europe
”Fredrik Roos is exceptional. Even when supported in matters by international high-end firms, I tend to call on Fredrik to help out in complex situations to find pragmatic, business-based solutions. I use many other firms, but Fredrik and his team has been the first choice for technology stuff.”
Chambers Europe
”His service is very good and he helps us both with small and big matters. For a non-professional there is a jungle of dos and don’ts, but with Fredrik’s help it turned out really well”
Chambers Europe
”Praised for his ability to find pragmatic, business-based solutions.”
Chambers Europe
”I use many other firms, but Fredrik and his team has been our first choice for tech stuff.”
Chambers Europe
”He has exceptional availability.”
Chambers Europe
”Fredrik Roos continues to provide tailored pragmatic advice, in my experience always finding the right balance between time/cost/quality. I have switched jobs and industries in the past couple of years but continue to reach out to Fredrik for support. He stands out also in an international comparison.”
Legal 500
”Fredrik Roos is a trusted and skilled resource.”
Legal 500
”Fredrik Roos is exceptional. In a context where I normally work with large multinational firms on transactions I still tend to turn to Fredrik when it gets tricky- he is pragmatic and he really gets what the issue is. A great support.”
Legal 500
”Fredrik Roos is an excellent support- he is my main go-to person for most issues and he has a great track record in getting new associates up and running quickly.”
Legal 500
”Fredrik Roos specialises in cross-border trade mark and copyright disputes, and frequently advises clients from the automotive manufacturing sector. Clients say he is "very efficient, extremely service-minded and nice to collaborate with.”
Chambers Global
”Likeable and highly skilled.”
Legal 500
”According to clients, Fredrik Roos demonstrates a 'perfect combination of being highly skilled but at the same time easy to work with.'”
Chambers Europe
”He is efficient, timely and provides business-oriented advice.”
Chambers Global
”He is very skilled, proactive and business-minded.”
Chambers Europe
”The ‘solution-focused’ Fredrik Roos is ‘business-minded’ and has ‘strong experience of IT industry standards’.”
Legal 500
”Pragmatic approach.”
Chambers Europe
”Fredrik Roos is singled out for his commerciality and his IT expertise.”
Chambers Global
”IP and IT expert Fredrik Roos "brings a reassuring and calm attitude to our cases," according to clients, who appreciate his commercial approach, negotiation skills and availability.”
Chambers Global
”Clients highlight that "it's easy to work with him as he knows and understands what to do and what role he should take.””
Chambers Europe
”Technology and IP head Fredrik Roos is "really responsive," enthuse clients.”
Chambers Europe
”Appreciated for his service-mindedness and ability to communicate complex matters in a straightforward way to ensure clients can make a fully informed decision on how to proceed.”
WTR 1000
”He is highly responsive and provides practical advice.”
Chambers Global
”Fredrik Roos is one of the best attorneys with whom I've had the pleasure of working. He is incredibly knowledgeable and thoughtful while still being practical.”
Chambers Europe
”Fredrik Roos' passion for his work and his clients shows in his dedication and commitment to delivering top-tier advice, as well as pragmatic and commercially sound solutions.”
Chambers Europe
”Fredrik is a true partner to the business and has a practical approach to complex issues. He is my go-to external counsel on complex legal topics.”
Chambers Global