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Tove Andersson

Delägare, Advokat


Jag arbetar sedan 2003 med miljö- och energirätt i alla dess former. Arbetet omfattar allt från storskaliga miljötillståndsprocesser inom olika branscher till transaktioner.

Mitt främsta expertisområde är miljötillståndsprocesser och jag anlitas ofta som huvudombud (lead counsel) för detta inom olika branscher. Energisektorn är en av mina främsta nischer och jag arbetar sedan många år bl.a. med flera av landets största aktörer inom vindkraft. Bergmaterialindustrin och avfallsbranschen är därtill mångåriga fokusområden. Jag bistår vidare regelbundet i allt från vattenprövningar till olika former av miljötillsyn, masshanteringsprojekt, elnät och artskyddsfrågor. Den snabba utvecklingen avseende större solkraftanläggningar samt energigaser, inte minst vätgas, ger upphov till regulatoriska frågor. Därtill har livsmedelssektorn med åren blivit ett växande segment.

Olika former av miljöansvar samt miljö- och energirätt i avtalsförhandlingar och transaktioner, ofta för internationella aktörer, är en central del av min rådgivning.

Jag har även särskild kunskap inom obeståndsrelaterad miljöjuridik i gruvbranschen såväl som i ansvarsfrågor gällande naturolyckor.

I maj 2023 tilldelades jag Svensk Vindkrafts Vindkraftpris för förtjänstfulla insatser inom vindkraftsbranschen.

Till medarbetare




Wistrand Advokatbyrå, delägare


Wistrand Advokatbyrå, biträdande jurist


Mölndals tingsrätt, tingsnotarie


Lunds universitet, juristexamen


Köpenhamns universitet, EU-miljörätt samt internationell miljö- och energirätt

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Expert i Artskyddsutredningen (M 2020:03)

”Tove has strong sector knowledge and provides very reliable and accurate advice.”

Chambers Europe

”Tove is a person who has great knowledge. She is fast-thinking and problem-solving oriented.”

Chambers Europe

”Tove Andersson has in-depth skills in permitting procedures.”

Chambers Europe

”Tove is a reliable, pragmatic and professional lawyer with great and relevant expertise. She makes us feel prioritised as clients and is engaged every step of the way.”

Chambers Europe

”Tove is a highly valued sparring partner to our business and provides high-quality legal advice.”

Chambers Europe

”Tove Andersson has excellent skills to both understand and work out solutions to proceed cases forward even in tight time frames. Ms Andersson’s knowledge regarding permission processes within the energy sector is exceptional and she is able to transform this knowledge into action. (Energy)”

Legal 500

”Jonas Frii, Tove Andersson and Martin Sandgren are all very good lawyers in their respective fields of law and possess an impressive sector knowledge. A team that is hard to beat. (Energy)”

Legal 500

”Our contact Tove Andersson is very service minded, correct and responds quickly. Setterwalls keeps us informed of the latest updates concerning our cases. (Environment)”

Legal 500

”Setterwalls’ Tove Andersson is a great expert, leader and co-worker. She has put together a strong supporting team. They have a very close relation to the customer and really understand circumstances and needs. (Environment)”

Legal 500

”Tove Andersson is the best environmental lawyer in Sweden that I know of! She has great knowledge, but also the ability to listen in and adjust when she gets new knowledge. ”

Legal 500

”Very efficient, direct and possesses an impressive capability to identify the core of a problem or what could be relevant to us as a client.”

Legal 500

”Tove is dedicated, focused, competent and customer-focused beyond the or-dinary.”

Chambers Europe

”We have never worked with someone so dedicated before.”

Chambers Europe

”She has an amazing ability to pick out the essence of the legislation and focus on the goal.”

Chambers Europe

”Tove is a very proactive lawyer with an impressive knowledge bank, especially within energy law-related regulatory matters.”

Chambers Europe

”Tove has an engagement and spirit that goes beyond any lawyer I work with.”

Chambers Europe

”An expert lawyer with in-depth and broad knowledge across the field.”

Chambers Europe - Environment

”Tove Andersson has expert knowledge of environmental and wind power legislation. She understands the problem at hand quickly and is quick to propose relevant solutions.”

Chambers Europe - Energy & natural resources

”Tove Andersson is lauded for her “deep regulatory insight” and “strategic approach” to the gamut of environment and energy issues.”

Who's Who Legal – Energy

”Tove Andersson is highly regarded by clients, who praise her as ‘the number one top lawyer within the environment field‘.”

Legal 500 - Environment

”Our contact with Setterwalls has been with very professional individuals. Tove Andersson stands out as committed, focused and knowledgeable.”

Legal 500 - Energy

”Go-to resource for legal matters surrounding permits, agreements and authority dealings in the wind business.”

Chambers Europe - Energy & Natural resources

”They have exceptional competence in the environmental area not found in other firms. Especially Tove Andersson stands out as a highly competent and efficient lawyer. They are able to rapidly help with all kinds of legal dilemmas and matters.’”

Legal 500 - Environment

”She understands what we as clients are looking for.”

Chambers Europe - Environment

”Tove Andersson is the main reason we use the environmental department of Setterwalls. Tove Andersson really stands out among lawyers in the environmental legal area. No matter what area we need help with, she always delivers.”

Legal 500 - Environment

”Tove Andersson is an “extremely well-experienced lawyer” takes a “creative approach” to a broad range of environmental law matters including permit applications, species protection, wind farm projects and waste management issues.”

Who's Who Legal – Environment

”Tove Andersson is an outstanding lawyer with expert knowledge in energy and environmental law. She has an excellent ability to quickly understand the issue at hand, break it down to affected legislation and propose action on how the matter should be handled. She has great interpersonal relationships and is an appreciated speaker and panellist who shares her experience in an understandable way for the audience.”

Legal 500 - Energy

”Tove Andersson is a very competent and proficient person. She pays great attention when presented with different problems and related questions. The feedback received is admirable as it gives a new perspective of the subject and relevant suggestions for solving the problems she has been presented with. Tove has behaved professionally and with desirable commitment throughout the entire work process. She has always been easy to reach and quick to respond.”

Legal 500 - Environment and Energy

”Tove Andersson is committed, knowledgeable and delivers a professional result while creating good customer relations.”

Legal 500 - Environment

”We work with Tove Andersson and are very satisfied with her capability. She is effective and doesn’t waste any of our time in the process. She is always on top of her game and spot on with her advice to us.”

Legal 500 - Environment

”Tove Andersson is an expert in legal issues concerning our market.”

Legal 500 - Environment

”Tove Andersson and Anders Linnerborg have great knowledge in their fields of expertise and both are very professional.”

Legal 500 - Environment

”She's a very good lawyer, with a great knowledge of environmental permits.”

Chambers Europe - Environment

”She's very good at reporting back to us.”

Chambers Europe - Energy & Natural Resources

”Tove Andersson receives commendations from sources who highlight her “deep analytic skills and ability to quickly grasp the relevant issues of the topic in question” and note that she is “fast-acting in proceedings to keep up the momentum.”

Who'sWho Legal - Environment

”New recruit to the team Tove Andersson attracts clients to the practice with her in-depth knowledge of multiple areas of environmental law. One source reports: "She is very good at co-operating, getting what the customer wants, giving the correct advice and listening to us." She specialises in regulatory proceedings and also acts as counsel on permitting procedures within the wind power, waterworks, mining and electricity sectors.”

Chambers - Environment

”Tove Andersson is noted for her expertise in permit processes and regulatory mandates.”

Legal 500 - Environment

”Tove Andersson has 'expert knowledge in environmental law'.”

Legal 500 - Energy

”Tove Andersson has a strong practice in the renewable energy sector, and is a key adviser to major players in the wind energy market. One interviewee commends her as a "hard-working lawyer with great interpersonal relations who is quick both to understand and to answer questions." The same source also notes her "expert knowledge of wind power legislation."”

Chambers - Energy & Natural Resources

”Satisfied clients laud Tove Andersson for having a 'very good knowledge of environmental law,' adding that 'she's smart and can very quickly understand things.' She has a broad practice, advising clients on a range of environmental permitting procedures as well as environmental law in connection with M&A matters. She has particular expertise in the wind power industry, assisting clients with a range of transactions and disputes.”

Chambers – Environment

”Tove Andersson is well known for her environmental law expertise. Peers are quick to point out her regulatory work experience, while clients value her for 'giving clear advice'. She remains active assisting clients with energy law permitting.”

Chambers - Energy & Natural Resources

”Tove Andersson is a growing name on the Swedish energy market, particularly in connection with energy law permitting. Clients describe her as 'efficient' and someone who is 'very good to work with'.”

Chambers - Energy & Natural Resources

”Tove Andersson routinely advises on environmental permitting matters, including those relating to energy projects, and is consistently praised by clients for her work on contentious issues and her 'ability to adjust the case in court'. One source notes that she has 'very good interpersonal skills and the flexibility to quickly provide answers to legal questions'.”

Chambers - Environment

”Tove Andersson focuses primarily on wind power, with strong expertise in environmentally hazardous activities and water works. Peers have been 'very impressed by her' and clients praise her abilities in 'making connections and understanding the problems we have'.”

Chambers - Environment

”Tove Andersson is noted for her experience in permit applications, particularly regarding wind power projects, as well as other environmentally hazardous activities. Clients say. 'She has a lot of experience from the environment areas from a legal perspective. She has good analytic skills and can explain complex situations in a simple way'.”

Chambers - Energy & Natural Resources

”Tove Andersson has particular experience in environmental litigation and transactional issues, focusing primarily on wind power and quarry operations. Clients say she 'is efficient and shows deep knowledge of legal questions'.”

Chambers - Environment

”Tove Andersson is noted for her work in wind power projects, especially permit applications. She also handles environmental matters including hazardous activities and water works.”

Chambers - Energy & Natural Resources

”Tove Andersson has expert knowledge in the regulatory and environmental aspects of energy projects, grids, etc. She is crucial in transactions”

Legal 500

”Tove Andersson is extremely competent in environmental matters, with long experience in the area”

Legal 500

”Tove Andersson possesses a wealth of experience within the field. ”

Legal 500

”Tove Andersson has articulated the impacts of the advice specifically to reflect our commercial position and has delivered her team's work diligently and timely.”

Chambers Europe

”She has been very flexible and available, whenever we wanted ad-hoc advice”

Chambers Europe

”Tove Andersson can adapt communication for every situation and explain complex legal concepts in layman terms.”

Chambers Europe

”She has an exceptional awareness of our needs, which she combines with her skill to obtain environmental permits for complex projects.”

Chambers Europe

”Tove Andersson is one of the top-notch environmental lawyers in Sweden.”

Chambers Europe

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